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Monte Vista UU Congregation
invites you to our 

Hybrid Sunday Service

July 11, 2021


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The Times They Are A'Changin"
Delores Burris

Jeanne Coats, Lay Leader
Lily Popova, Pianist

 George Yenoki, Steve Shirley, Don Mohr, & Bob Taylor - Zoom Techs

Centering Thought:
"The duty of youth is to challenge corruption" Kurt Cobain.
Ringing the Bowl: We ring the bowl three times:
Once for those who came before: The Tongva peoples who were the original stewards of this land and first called this land ‘home.’ We also honor those founding members who imagined and planted this growing congregation.
Once for those of us here and now: For our Members and Friends, our Staff, and our extended UU family who hold, care, and grow this Beloved Community we know as our own.
Once for those who will come: For all who will call MVUUC their Spiritual Home in the days ahead.

Prelude: Lily Popova
Welcome: Jeanne Coats
Opening Words: #419 "Look To This Day!"
Opening Song:    #347 "Gather the Spirit"

Chalice Lighting:
We light this chalice - not because we must but because we may.
We light this chalice - not because we have the truth, but because we each come bearing and seeking many truths.
We light this chalice - in connection and across culture, distance, class and language.
We light this chalice - that our religion may be a beacon of light , hope, and justice.
We light this chalice - to kindle our hearts and our minds. Words by Lois E. Van Leer
Speaking Our Covenant Together:
Love is the doctrine of this Congregation.
The quest of truth its sacrament, and service is its prayer.
To dwell together in peace,
to seek knowledge in freedom,
to serve the world in fellowship,
to the end that all souls shall grow in harmony with the divine,
thus do we covenant with each other.
Hymn: #123 "Spirit of Life" 
Sunday Offering
Offertory: Lily Popova
Joys and Concerns: Please write your  joys and concerns on the cards provided on the green table or put them in the Chat Box.
Music for Meditation: Lily Popova
"What Makes Someone a Hero"       Words by J. Paul Nadeau
Introduction of Our Speaker
Talk: "The Times They Are A'Changin" Delores Burris
Closing Song: # 1024 "Spirit Says Do"
Extinguishing Our Chalice:   #456 We extinguish this flame but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment. These we carry in our hearts until we are together again. -Elizabeth Selle Jones
Benediction: "As we weather the winds of change,
may we have wisdom  to cherish moments of stillness.
As we recollect times of challenge and of pain,
may we remember also the graceful blessings of our lives.
As we look to the future unknowns,
may we have the boldness to to trust that there is unimagined goodness yet to come."
                                                                                                      Words by Maureen Killoran
Postlude: Lily Popova


Next Week’s Service
July 18, 2021 at 10:30
 House for Hope -Reflections from our MVUUC Adult RE Program.

Our MVUUC Adult Religious Exploration Program recently shared a multi-week dive into this text by Rebecca Ann Parker and John A Buehrens. Join us for this Service as we reflect together on the many ways that MV is "Our House For Hope."

John Fahey will be our Speaker.


Here are some notes that will help to
enhance our worship experience
for all who are gathered together
both online and in-person: 

* All who plan to attend in-person in the Sanctuary must be fully vaccinated and willing to wear a ppe mask. 

* RE youth and adult attendees have received information from our DLRE Robert regarding their entry through the gate in the parking lot and their masking protocols. Because the children are unable to be vaccinated, we will miss having them with us in the Sanctuary for now.

* Our time of Offering will not include a passing of the basket, but we will provide those in the sanctuary with the opportunity to bring your gifts forward to place them on a special altar/table we will have set up. We will gather both financial gifts of support for MVUUC and also any non-perishable food items you wish to donate to the Beta Center.

* We will be honored to receive your Pledge Cards for our 2021-2022 Stewardship Drive on the offering table or in the drop box outside the Admin Office. 

* Coffee and tea will be available after the service. We will not be sharing food at this early stage of our re-opening. 

We thank our Worship Teams & Technicians who have gone to great lengths to imagine and reimagine our best ways to prepare for a wonderful worship experience for all whether in our Sanctuary or in our Zoom Room.
We also send a big Thank You to
our Greeters and Hospitality Team!
Supporting Our MVUUC Community 
Maintaining our spiritual and emotional connections at MVUUC is more important than ever. For those of you who have financial resources to share, our Congregation is grateful as you continue to make your generous donations to MVUUC. We are here for you all during these uncertain and disruptive times. Our Minister, Staff, and programs will continue to provide nurture and grounding for you. Thank you so much for supporting our life together and helping us to pay our monthly bills (such as utilities.) Please be aware that when donations are made by credit card or PayPal, a 2.9% processing fee is subtracted from the amount received by MVUUC.

Minister: Rev. Maggie Burbank Yenoki - 626-205-4458 (text welcome) email:

Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration: Robert Tidwell - 909-687-5149 or email at

Office Administrator: Brynda Jones - Monday, Thursday, Friday - 8:00am - 2:00pm or email at

Bookkeeper: Tracy Batres - Monday - 12:30-4:30pm

Facilities Assistant: Joyce Armenta - Monday and Friday.

Copyright © 2021 Monte Vista Unitarian Universalist Congregation, All rights reserved.

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