

Having lived for the last four decades around the military base and having many family friends that have served or are serving in the military, I’ve learned a few lessons along the way.

  1. Always have a back-up plan to the back-up plan (and maybe a back-up plan to all of those, too!)
  2. Khaki is always a good choice.
  3. Choose a cool name when planning something.
Over the last three weeks, we’ve encouraged you to participate in the mission of RVCC in a very practical way: through your recurring giving. This week I’ve given this encouragement a cool name: Operation SURGE (Summer Recurring Giving Emphasis). Our staff loves it when I come up with these little gems, and truth be told, they’re probably a little jealous of my genius. Here’s the deal, we automate SO MANY THINGS because of their importance! 

Think about some of ways we automate a recurring priority in our everyday lives:
  1. Alarm clocks
  2. Coffee makers
  3. Amazon orders
  4. Bill payments
  5. Computer back ups
  6. Recurring meetings
  7. Thermostats
  8. Email arrivals
  9. Lighting
  10. Just to name a few!

We were created to be generous. Giving is first and foremost a spiritual issue, not a financial one. Our giving is meant to transform US, not just fund the work of the church. Does your giving reflect that Jesus is first in your life? Getting started is always the most difficult part of doing anything new. I’ve been using our electronic giving platform for many years and can personally attest to the ease of set up, and the safety and security that is built into it. It’s halfway through our year, and for some of us, it’s time to join Operation SURGE!  Click here to do just that.


One more thing I learned from my military friends: always have an AAR when a project is done. Back in the first quarter of this year, we challenged RVCC members to participate in the Ten-Week Tithing Challenge. I checked back in recently with those who took the Challenge and here’s what some of our church family friends had to say about their participation:

“First let me start off by thanking you all for the challenge because I really needed the reminder that "my money" is not even mine to begin with, it's the Lord's. I really had not been treating my income as such, so changing my perspective on money alone was a game changer for me. It's hard to put into words God's amazing work but all I can say is He really showed up just like His Word says. I pray that I can continue to trust in Him with my funds and that I will continue putting my offerings to Him first and foremost before anything else.”  - Lisa
“We can’t afford not to tithe, the only thing eternal is the Word of God and the souls of men and that is why we give.”  - Steve
“The tithing challenge for me was the beginning of trusting God completely. I have always known, from experience, the times in my life when I put God first everything else falls into place. The times when my faith wavered, and I lived in self-will, things always fell apart. Every. Single. Time. So the tithing challenge allowed me to commit to what I already knew to be true. God is faithful. In ALL areas of my life...when I allow Him to be. And I am so, so, so grateful.”  - Jaylene

That’s a great After-Action Report! I hope those stories encourage your heart like they did mine. If you need some tools to get started on your journey of generosity, remember that RVCC has a subscription that is free for you to use until April 2022.  Click here to discover all the ways that Ramsey+ can help.

One step at a time,


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