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Take Our Survey

Share your thoughts about the 325 Blake Road Restoration and Redevelopment project by taking our survey!

The community is weighing in on the public area near Minnehaha Creek by sharing their thoughts on the activities and amenities they'd like to see near the creek and within the public green space.

Help us learn about your preferences on different aspects of the public space design such as:
  • Should there be design elements which engage children in play?
  • How do you want to interact with water on the site?
  • What kind of walking and biking trails do you want?

If you already took our survey or participated in one of the recent public meetings, please help spread the word by sharing it with your community contacts. The survey is available in English, Somali, and Spanish languages. Just be sure to complete the survey before it closes on Monday,  July 12th.

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About this Project:

The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) is leading an effort, in partnership with the City of Hopkins and numerous public and private partners, to transform a former industrial site at 325 Blake Road into a vibrant space where people and nature thrive together. 

The 325 Blake Road Restoration and Redevelopment project is an effort to marry two sets of goals:

  • The restoration will complete a missing link in the Minnehaha Creek Greenway, a decade-long effort to restore the creek and connect a system of green space and trails around Minnehaha Creek to the surrounding community
  • At the same time, MCWD is working closely with the City of Hopkins and a private partner to integrate a transformative, transit-oriented redevelopment into the site
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15320 Minnetonka Blvd, Minnetonka, MN 55345

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