In this INSIDER newsletter: ZOOM webinar - coming up, Incredibly real share from Anne, Get your own yellow beast - last ones, BE's hive - Introducing Harley, First newsletter in the special AlinkerLympics series! Join and do one of the 21 days of his AlinkerLympics challenges with Harley, FINAL schedule AlinkerLympics, Jack Eyers and Harley, How you can train at home - FREE videos, and useful links
It's time for our next Alinker Technical Webinar
Saturday July 17th, 2021 at 9 AM PST - 12 PM EST
Register HERE in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
I received my Alinker (“Marigold”) on May 31. My first ride was painful and challenging. My legs were like rubber and my you-know-what was very sore. But, after reading many Alinker Family posts, I expected this, and had sworn to give it a month before I did something drastic, like heave it into the river.
The second ride began with a sudden awareness. I had to stop in the driveway and cry. My legs weren’t screaming with pain, as they do when I walk. I hadn’t felt so free and mobile for three years. It has gotten better from there.
As many of you, I think, I have had a demeaning experience with my wheelchair. People just ignored me, looked over my head, and spoke only to my husband. Now, SO many people talk to me. They ask questions and take pictures. It makes me feel like a human again.
A surprisingly large number of older people “get it.” Even if they have never seen an Alinker before, they understand its purpose and are congratulatory and supportive. Younger people and children are most commonly intrigued and confused (“Where are the pedals?”). But I get lots of smiles, thumbs up, and eye contact. Quite a wonderful change for me.
After a month, much of the discomfort is gone (ok, I did buy a gel seat cover) and my sleep is vastly improved. I have great fun speeding down the sidewalks! This morning after a friend watched me approach a restaurant where we met for brunch, he nicknamed me “Turbo Anne.”
My longest trip at this point was 4 km (2.5 miles), of which I am very proud. In about a month, I will test out international travel with Marigold. Icelandair told me they don’t have any specific information about Alinkers, but are happy to accommodate me. I look forward to a wonderful trip introducing my grandsons to my Alinker.
More than that, I look forward to a vastly improved outlook and much more active life. Thank you, BE.
This yellow beast is changing my life.

In Canada - we'll run out - in the next weeks!
Less than 20 Smalls and 35 Mediums left
In the US inventory will run out in the next month
Last ones at this price
next shipment to Canada will be March 2022 (tbc)
next shipment to USA will be September 2021 (tbc)
at a new price
(increase around 15%, tbc in September)
BE part of the MOVEMENT
Get you own YELLOW beast
On your doorstep in 2 - 3 weeks in Canada and USA
BE's hive
Harley is doing the 21 day AlinkerLympics
I love this very special person in our Alinker family. His name is Harley Salter and you might have seen him with his Alinker, taking on every challenge he can. My mum and I met him two years ago in Brighton, UK.

Antonia, my mum (left with Harley), Karen (our distributor in the UK in the middle photos), and me (hugged by Harley :)
Antonia loved it when I took her on road trips to do Alinker events, and meet all these new friends around the world. She loved every second of meeting Karen, Vanessa (Harley's mum is the grand supporter of Harley, but does not get in front of the camera often) and Harley, and together, at the waterfront of Brighton, we got to celebrate, what became my mum's last birthday's celebration of her life.
From 23rd July to 8th August 2021 Harley will do his biggest challenge yet, the first ever “AlinkerLympics”, a concept created, developed and coordinated by his Mum, Vanessa.
This unique event will consist of Harley doing 21 Olympic sport inspired challenges on his Alinker walking bike ranging from a selection of the athletics track events, basketball, archery, karate and more.
The AlinkerLympics is a celebration of how far Harley has come since having his right foot amputated three years ago due to a congenital birth defect and acquiring his Alinker, including becoming a two times Official Guinness World Record Titleholder and the first person to complete the first ever Official Virtual London Marathon on an Alinker.
Aside from being a Symes amputee, Harley has a range of cognitive and physical differences including Autism, Tourette’s, OCD, hypermobility and lax ligaments. He will be managing his normal daily challenges to take on new challenges within the AlinkerLympic schedule and push himself more than ever before. He will be supported by his Mum all the way.
In the process Harley will be honouring a commitment to a charity he pledged to fundraise for - Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice based in Arundel, Sussex UK. Harley has become a prolific fundraiser since getting his Alinker but this is by far his most challenging fundraiser yet.
Harley announces the AlinkerLympics
his ultimate challenge!
Who is ready to join Harley
on one or more of the days of the AlinkerLympics
The Alinkerlympics is not only a personal challenge for Harley but also his latest fundraising initiative. His chosen charity is Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice in Arundel, Sussex UK. Chestnut Tree House provides care and support for 300 children and young people (0-19years) with life limiting conditions and their families across South East Hampshire, East Sussex, West Sussex, Brighton and Hove UK.
Follow Harley on his Instagram, join, share, encourage, support and amplify this amazing young man! Let us know which day challenge you are going to Alinker with him, and email us, so we can make a schedule and announce it in next newsletters~!
Below is the full schedule
pick a challenge that suits you and sign up!
Together we do the AlinkerLympics and show up for Harley!

All challenges will take place in a COVID safe way and excepting any unforeseen circumstances, will be able to take place regardless of any ongoing restrictions that may still be in place.
Tuesday 20th July: 3pm “Opening Ceremony”, pier to pier walk, Southsea UK “AlinkerLympic Flame” will be lit.
Friday 23rd July: am Day 1 TAC 5K, pm Alinker Archery Challenge
Saturday 24th July: am Day 2 TAC 5K, pm Alinker Basketball Challenge
Sunday 25th July: All day Alinker Road “Cycling” Challenge 23.4K
Monday 26th July: am Day 3 TAC 5K, pm Alinker Tennis (Swing ball) Challenge
Tuesday 27th July: am Day 4 TAC 5K, pm Alinker Off Road “Cycling” Challenge 4000m (4K)
Wednesday 28th July: am Day 5 TAC 5K, pm Alinker Football Challenge
Thursday 29th July: am Day 6 TAC 5K, pm Alinker Golf Challenge
Friday 30th July: am Day 7 TAC 5K, pm Alinker Athletics Discus Challenge, Alinker Athletics 10000m (10K)
Saturday 31st July: am Day 8 TAC 5K, pm Alinker Athletics 4 x 400m relay
Sunday 1st August: am Alinker Athletics 100m, Alinker Athletics 400m
Monday 2nd August: am Day 9 TAC 5K, pm Alinker Shooting (Nerf) Challenge
Tuesday 3rd August: am Day 10 TAC 5K, pm Alinker Athletics 200m, Alinker Athletics 1500m
Wednesday 4th August: am Day 11 TAC 5K, pm Alinker Weightlifting, Alinker Athletics 800m
Thursday 5th August: am Day 12 TAC 5K, pm Alinker Karate (Kata) Challenge
Friday 6th August: am Day 13 TAC 5K, pm Alinker Athletics 5000m, Alinker Rhythmic Gymnastics Challenge
Saturday 7th August: am Alinker Athletics Javelin Challenge
Sunday 8th August: Time tbc Harley’s Alinkerlympic Medal Presentation and “Closing Ceremony”, Goodwood UK (TAC - Tokyo Athletes Challenge element (daily 5K for 13 days) in association with www.virtual

Jack Eyers, Mr. England 2017
first amputee to win the title, on the runway of the Mercedes Benz Fashion show in Moscow November 2017.
Last year Harley was gifted this silver Alinkers in the world by Mr England 2017 and para-athlete Team GB, Jack Eyers. He calls this Alinker “Quicksilver”. It will be featured in the Alinkerlympics on the 1st August and 3rd August when Harley completes his Alinker Athletics 100m, 200m and 400m challenges.
Stay tuned!
Note: My mum is in the audience here in Moscow on the left side (another road trip we did :)
Get ready for the AlinkerLympics
with these stationary exercises
Specifically developed for the Alinker. You can do them in your living room to increase your range of motion, strengthen and stretch you muscles, improve your flexibility, gait and balance.
Useful links
Who to contact in your country
Before contacting us directly, please review our FAQs
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For all international inquiries outside our distribution regions email here