

The lights of yesterday and the memories of tomorrow await us


One way trip


when I stop for a moment and look back I realize how fast I'm going

the rest of the world follows, by inertia

and there I stand watching the lights and sounds melting into an infinite tunnel

I have met great people on this path

Also Weird people
Very rare

and also geniuses and prophets

In the worst bars at the worst hours of the night I have had the most revolutionary and spiritual conversations

Have I ever taken demons out for a walk
and they have taught me tricks that I will never forget

Mantras that I can repeat to myself

Magic is science
Science is human
Humans are magical

They are alchemists capable of creating mental illusions born out of nothing

sometimes I think that I live in an illusion
in a computer program operated by a virtual machine

tell me where my hash is
so i can go in peace

It's not the moment yet

I have a long way to go on this block road

A chain of ideas
one behind the other

Now comes an idea more powerful than others

An idea that has been able to mutate and become stronger and stronger
it wakes me up at night to explain a plan
told me that we will conquer the stars

To all of you who follow in the footsteps of Imagine to Create,
I want to thank you and tell you that now is the time to grit your teeth

the time has come to flap our dragon wings

A revolution is coming
go packing

The lights of yesterday and the memories of tomorrow await us

A Non Fungible Revolution is coming

The work we are doing is beginning to show and we hope to hear soon about the future of Imagine to Create

The two communities and projects with which we are developing our arsenal of ideas are still alive and growing without stopping

We will drink from their knowledge

we will surf the wave that is generated at the intersection between Decentraland and Elrond

Welcome a magical and revolutionary launch

The next weeks I will try to explain you one of the clues of the project:

What is the Imagine Cloud?

Welcome to the first phase of the project:


The Foundations of the Imagine Community

Imagine to Create is building the community platform in the Elrond Network


If you are interested in this community you should have in your phone the
Maiar app 
a very user friendly crypto wallet created by the Elrond Team

Download MAIAR


Imagine to Create

Copyright © 2021 Imagine to Create, All rights reserved.