July 2021
Its been another slow month of dread and anxiety while waiting for pain relief. I am very much trying to maintain calm through chronic pain, a global pandemic and capitalism doing its thing to our beautiful planet but its been tough.
I had another massive filling in my tooth, with two more to go. When I walked into my dentist appointment she asked if I was ok and I burst into tears saying I dont know if I can look after myself and I find it so hard to maintain personal hygiene especially my teeth. She said we can only do our best and cant expect more from ourselves than that.
It was wicked watching some of the street skating at the for the first time at the Olympics this year, especially the womens where many of the competitors were 13 and 14 including all three winners of medals.
Keep on reading to see progress on me and mums tapestries, our visit to a banner exhibition, my Harley Quinn obsession and some very fluffy cats.