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Expressway News

Aug 2, 2021


Taking to the skies this summer? You’re not alone. Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (ABIA) has seen a substantial uptick in passenger travel since February. In fact, the airport is nearing pre-COVID passenger totals with more than 1.1 million passengers flying through the airport in May. And last month, an estimated 26,000 people traveled through the airport on the Thursday ahead of the July 4th weekend.

Air travel is back, and so are the long lines. Be prepared to arrive a few hours early to allow for ample time to get through security. One way you can make up for lost time is by traveling to and from the airport via the newly-opened 183 Toll. You now have the option to access ABIA without stopping at any traffic signals. You can also travel toll-free via the improved US 183 general-purpose lanes. 

Whichever way you prefer, make sure to check out the project website for detailed instructions on how to reach the airport. It may have been a while since you’ve been to ABIA, so we’ll help guide you through these new and improved routes with maps and linked images of the roadway’s overhead signs.

Visit our website for more information on 183 Toll.
Questions or Concerns about your Toll Bill?
 Contact us at 833-762-8655 or visit our website. We're here to help!


Even as people return to flying en masse, many people are hitting the road for their summer vacation. Traveling throughout Texas can be just as fun as getting to your destination but during the summer season Texas’ roads can be some of the busiest in the country. The Mobility Authority is committed to the safety of all motorists on our roads, educating everyone on safe road trip and driving practices to help End The Streak.


Stock Your Vehicle. Things happen – even a well-maintained vehicle can break down. An emergency roadside kit is something every car owner should have on hand. Suggested kit items include: cell phone charger, first aid kit, jumper cables, and car jack. 

Get Your Car Serviced. Sometimes it’s not obvious when your vehicle needs repair. Minor fender benders or speed bumps can result in wear and tear, so it’s a good idea to have your vehicle checked before your trip. Simple tune-ups, oil changes, battery checks, and tire rotations can go a long way toward preventing breakdowns and accidents.

Plan Your Route. Planning may take a little time up front but chances are your drive will be both safer and more enjoyable because of it. Don’t rush through your trip, schedule stops and allow plenty of time to get to your destination safely. Make sure to check the weather, road conditions and traffic to best prepare. And finally, let others know your route and anticipated arrival time.


Reduce Distractions. That text, call, song, or breakfast taco can wait until you arrive at your destination.

Avoid erratic or aggressive driving behavior. This includes swerving, weaving in and out of traffic, passing on the right, and accelerating or braking suddenly. Rapidly switching lanes to try to get ahead of the traffic is very dangerous as other drivers can't predict those actions.

Avoid Reckless Drivers. You cannot stop another driver from behaving recklessly, nor should you use your vehicle to attempt to control the other driver’s behaviors. Get out of the way or find a safe spot to pull off the road, if needed. Put distance between you and the reckless driver to increase your safety.
The Mobility Authority continues its efforts to evaluate and assess the long-term impact of the pandemic on our community’s transportation infrastructure and travel habits. Through diligent research, data review, and community surveying, we remain committed to preserving and enhancing quality of life in Central Texas and evolving with the changing regional landscape. 

Be it for work or play, Central Texas is certainly back on the move. Take a look at Austonia’s drone rush hour footage below.


The Mobility Authority relies on the experiences and voices of our community members. Your insights are critically important in all aspects of our operations – from conception through construction and maintenance of our roadways. With our CTX Navigators program, we hope to make that feedback process even easier. You already have opinions, why keep them to yourself? Tell us what you think and earn the chance to win gift cards. Register to become a CTX Navigator today!

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