
August 2021
Important reminder:
Ribbon cutting celebration September 25th, 11-2
(not on August 28th as originally scheduled)
Builders help create our accessible garden
Marc, Autumn, and Josh pose at the farm.
Marc, Autumn, and Josh.
by Heidi Cartan
Executive Director

When I first met Josh Winzeler, along with his friends, Mark and Autumn Slater, it was clear these folks knew how to get things done! Josh, Marc, and Autumn have spent many Saturdays out on the farm, working very hard to help us with challenging projects. Their latest and most ambitious endeavor is building a fence to support and surround our renovated Seed to Salad accessible garden.

Josh’s skill as a contractor, along with Marc and Autumn’s equally incredible work ethic, has been a huge help to Common Roots Farm. They took the time to learn about our vision for creating a garden and teaching area that will be accessible to volunteers, farmers, and visitors of all abilities. Then, they got to work digging post holes, mixing and pouring cement, bolting down brackets, and creating a fence and gate design.

They understand our desire for a beautiful and functional space, where facilitated garden experiences can happen, where people of all abilities are included, and where the deer can be kept out!

When the going gets rough and the daily challenges of shepherding a new organization through all the implications of a pandemic loom large, Josh, Marc, and Autumn are personal reminders to me of the power of people who share their time and skills to benefit others. Generous to a fault, these folks have worked many hours here on the farm and we can’t wait to show you the results at our Ribbon Cutting celebration on Saturday, September 25th.

Josh, Marc, and Autumn, we hope you will be among our guests of honor, and we thank you for all you've done for us!
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation funds CRF
Common Roots Farm is the proud and grateful recipient of a recent grant award from The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. Woo hoo!

The Foundation’s Quality of Life grant program supports and empowers individuals living with paralysis. We will use our grant to purchase equipment to make it possible for those living with paralysis to use our farm, assist in our production, and enjoy the natural beauty of this place.

Accessible outdoor furniture is expensive, but a necessary component if we are to provide access to people of all abilities. Having adequate shade, moveable work stations, and raised garden beds will all contribute to Common Roots Farm becoming one of the most wheelchair friendly farms in the nation.

Our Board of Directors thanks the Reeve Foundation for its generous support and the confidence it’s shown in our efforts. Growing healthy food and beautiful flowers and building community are all within reach of everyone when the physical surroundings support those with mobility or other physical impairments.

Common Roots looks forward to welcoming interested participants living with paralysis to our urban farm site for many years to come.
Meet Geoff Palla,
our Engagement and Operations Manager
Geoff and volunteer Sienna gather lettuce for the sheep.
Geoff and volunteer Sienna gather lettuce for the sheep.
It’s an exciting time at the farm, thanks in part to the wonderful addition of our latest staff member, Geoff Palla, who is our new Engagement and Operations Manager.

Geoff comes to us after 13 years designing and facilitating garden experiences for youth at the Edible Schoolyard Project in Berkeley, founded by chef Alice Waters. Geoff says, “I'm excited to be returning to my home town of Santa Cruz to work with Common Roots Farm. I’m looking forward to farming again and applying the practices and principles of facilitation to the many people who are and will be engaging with the farm. A fun personal story is that I actually worked on this very property in the late nineties, farming with a business called Dirty Girl Produce which rented the land at the time. It feels like a homecoming to be here working with Common Roots and all who are involved. I couldn’t be happier. Don’t hesitate to say hello the next time you stop by. See you in the field!”

Working with Heidi, Nina, and our seasonal trainees, Geoff is diving right in, familiarizing himself with our farm operation, helping with our many field tasks during our busy summer, and getting to know our volunteers. We are so very glad to add Geoff’s expertise to our team, and he is excited about returning to farm scale production. Welcome, Geoff!
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