
Preparing for Your Soul’s Evolution

August 2021 Newsletter

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 Seasonal Plans...
Plan for what is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small.
 ~ Sun Tzu

Whatever the season, it seems like we are always preparing for the next. This month’s article explores the concept of perpetual planning—the idea that each moment actually paves the way to every moment that follows. Our human condition requires us to think ahead to ease our everyday challenges, but our soul needs no plan as it evolves. Check out the article below to understand why this is true.
My “plan” for you includes a few things that might help you with both your human condition and your soul’s evolution. First, on Saturday, September 25th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., join me at The Soul Health Center for a Soul Health Essentials Open House. Over the summer, the Branches of Health line sprouted several new blends on each branch of the tree (nearly 40 total—such as Grudge Buster from the Interpersonal Health branch, Inner Peace from the Spiritual Branch, and Vacay Every Day on the Recreational Branch). This open house will give you the chance to check out the eight lines of SHE oils, as well as do some early holiday shopping for friends and family. See below for a special offer!

Also, on October 23rd, I am offering an online retreat called Soul Quest: Awaken My Soul, designed to help you connect with your inner ally while learning how to access your soul’s wisdom to lead a more radiant (and easier!) life. Registration will open soon!

I’m almost done writing The Healer’s Path to Post-COVID Recovery, a guide for healthcare providers to heal and rebalance their lives from their experiences during the pandemic. Much work still needs to be done before publication, but I will keep you posted on when it will be available.

With the latest surge of the coronavirus, please continue to take care of yourselves and others. This pandemic isn’t over yet and we need to continue to learn what we can through this difficult time.

Blessings for a healthy and safe month of August!

In shared light,
                   Katherine T. Kelly, Ph.D., M.S.P.H.
 Preparing for Your Soul's Evolution
I will prepare and someday my chance will come
~ Abraham Lincoln
I’ve always been a planner. But I learned years ago that staying conscious in the moment better paves the way to our evolution. This might seem contradictory, but the truth is, our soul always knows what it needs and no planning is actually necessary to meet its requests. You just have to show up and listen to the wisdom within. You see, there is a big difference between preparing and planning and your evolution depends on knowing how these concepts differ.

I can’t remember the last time I wrote a “to-do” list. I used to write them daily, crossing off items I’d accomplished, then adding more each day. I can recall a daily ritual of making this list, but I also remember feeling frustrated that I never got to the end of it. This caused perpetual stress and eventually, I ditched list-making altogether, other than the occasional grocery items I want to remember to purchase. Even now, I generally shop without one.

We tend to plan because we want to make our human condition easier. We want to control as much as we can to minimize distress. But is planning the same thing as preparing? I’d say no.

In my April newsletter, I mentioned a question by an unknown author that struck a deep chord:
“What if… everything you are experiencing is preparing you for what you asked for?”

In essence, every single event, experience, emotion, reaction, and perception leads to the next. Even the most difficult or uncomfortable situations are seasoning us so that our future is prepared for our growth. As we expand our consciousness to see how this works, we can better appreciate that life’s challenges are actually also our soul’s best gifts. When you think of it this way, you can realize that our struggles enhance our future just as much as our celebrations. Each and every experience makes us who we are. They prepare us for each step of our soul’s journey and without each step, vital aspects of our existence would be missing.


Wherever You Go There You Are: Mindfulness in Everyday Life


Empowered Evolution
(Soul Gem Line)

Empowered Evolution helps you grow with ease and awareness. 

Discover ~ Emerge ~ Transform



The Soul's Twelve 
Karmic Rules

 Click on the image above to watch my YouTube Video!


Self-Care is essential during this time...

Check Out 

for a reminder about how to create
your optimal soul-care plan.


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