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Weekly Update sent on 27 July 2021
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Security of Supply

New Zealand hydro storage made further improvements to increase by four percentage points to 99% of average for the time of year. North Island storage increased by nine percentage points to 61% of historical average. South Island storage increased by three percentage points to 103% of historical average.

Weekly Demand

National demand was 835 GWh this week, a significant drop from last week of 29 GWh. National demand peaked at 6,434 MW on Wednesday 21 at 17:30. This week's peak demand was 7% lower than the previous week's. We attribute this change to milder weather conditions.

Generation Mix

Total generation was 870 GWh this week. Hydro production was consistent with last week's (508 GWh compared to last week's 507 GWh). Wind contributed 34 GWh, approximately half compared to the week prior. Geothermal output was 157 GWh this week, the highest seen since the beginning of May. This was in part due to Kawerau returning from long term outage this week. 

Weekly Prices

The average price at Haywards was $126/MWh, down 33% on last week. This is the lowest weekly average price at Haywards since January 2021. Price were relatively stable sitting between $100 and $200/MWh for the majority of the week. In the early hours of Monday and Friday we saw extended periods where prices fell to as low as $17/MWh.

HVDC Transfer

HVDC transfer whitiwhiti was southward for the first four hours of the week before turning northward for the remainder of the week, with a peak of 965 MW on Friday 23 at midday.

Fact of the week

In Albertville, France (host city of the 1992 Winter Olymics), they make electricity from cheese! Since whey isn't needed to  make Beaufort cheese, bacteria is added to the whey, turning it into biogas. This gas is then fed through an engine which heats water to generate electricity.
Go to Security of Supply web page

Next Report

The next scheduled Market Operations weekly report is due Tuesday 27 July 2021.

Transpower Website

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