August 2, 2021
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of The Financial Diet newsletter! Thank you all for joining us in this special little corner of the TFD community :)

For those who are new to TFD, welcome! We are an independent, all-women media company dedicated to helping you talk about money and live better with what you have. You can find us on YouTube, our website, Instagram, and hosting many money-centric digital events.
Money. Dinero. Moolah. Geld.  No matter how you refer to your dollars, we’re talking about it.  

For the month of August, TFD is bringing you our exclusive Money Talks series! 

TFD's Money Talks is a month-long, weekly series on all things money and the conversations surrounding it. In the coming weeks, we’re bringing you a mix of expert advice as well as intimate conversations with our own TFD readers, opening up about their money journey. So get your friends to talk about money and *share* this newsletter with them!

This week, we’re kicking off with a personal testimony and Q&A with TFD contributor Kate Sortino, who overcame debt and managed to reach her $100K net worth goal this year.

We also have a big announcement coming later this week, and as a newsletter subscriber, you're going to be the first to know! Make sure to check your email Thursday for the big news (with an added special bonus inside).

Be sure to keep up with @thefinancialdiet on Instagram for more.

I hope you all have a great week, and we'll see you in your inbox next Monday!

<3 Soraya, TFD Commissioning Editor

by Kate Sortino

[Editor's Note: Please note that TFD does *not* endorse toxic hustle culture or a burnout work agenda. In no way are we promoting overworking, as everyone's mental and physical bandwidth is extremely different and we're aware that personal circumstances vary. This is just one contributor's honest rundown of her road to financial freedom!]

This year, I hit a significant financial milestone: I finally reached a six-figure net worth after two years of extreme saving. This was massive for me. As someone who grew up in poverty and had to unlearn many poverty mindset behaviors, I’m proud of myself.

I started this journey with only $5,000 to my name. I’m excited to share what worked for me and how I went from tens of thousands of dollars in debt to eventually having no debt and over $100K in the bank. I wish I could just say something easy like, “I invested in this very specific cryptocurrency, and you can too!” But it wasn’t that easy, and I don’t even really know what cryptocurrency is. But I will share what worked for me.

Diversifying My Income Streams

At first, I started small. An extra shift at a coffee shop once a week eventually turned into writing part-time both online and in a local print publication, doing some design work, and finally taking on a 35-hour a week side job in customer service in addition to my full-time career job. This seems unsustainably stressful, and it was! But you know what else is unsustainably stressful? Insanely high-interest student loan debt. I decided to work hard for a year and a half to crush the interest loan payments. My entire paycheck for my second job would go straight to Sallie Mae, and then when that was paid off, it went straight to savings. 

Identify and Eradicate Excessive Spending

Before I started taking my finances seriously, I had a laissez-faire approach to money. My main bills were automated, but I was always falling behind because of unexpected costs, thanks in large part to unnecessary emotional and convenience spending. I was surrounded by stuff I didn’t need, purchased impulsively, in order to construct a sense of confidence and peace of mind I was not able to find organically within myself.

I say all that to say, I wasted a lot of money because I felt like a loser. I thought that if I spent a little bit more, bought a nicer outfit, purchased 1 million aesthetic hardback journals that I never wrote in, that maybe I would finally become a better person who had their life together. 

Doing the emotional work of identifying why I was spending so much money that I couldn’t afford and then making active steps to get my needs met in other ways besides overspending was crucial to finally get out of debt.

Adjusting My Lifestyle

Many of my friends were born into financial circumstances that allow them to spend considerable percentages of their take-home pay on fun things, but that’s not me, and that’s okay. I learned to say no (both to them and myself) when it came to purchases that they could afford and I could not. There’s no shame in setting boundaries.

Additionally, I took the time to evaluate how my money was going towards my priorities. Was I giving large chunks of my paycheck to giant corporations for a hit of dopamine out of convenience, even when the corporate values of those companies didn’t align with my own? Looking at how I was spending and making changes based on my priorities and belief systems was highly beneficial.


Saving $100,000 wasn’t easy, and I wish there were a quick fix besides “be born rich”. There are many productive ways we can navigate our finances to work better for us. Making more money wasn’t enough. I needed to take an honest inventory of what I was spending (and why I was spending it) before seeing real changes to my economic circumstances.


TFD: Would you mind disclosing your salary at the time of saving, as well as a quick financial breakdown of how you got to your $100K goal?

Kate: Absolutely happy to disclose this. I started this journey with only $5,000 in savings and $20,000 in debt. I was making about $52,000 annually at my salary job before overtime, but I also worked a lot of overtime. I made more money with side hustles and, eventually, my near-full time side job in customer service. That whole paycheck went straight to loans and eventually savings.

I saved the majority of my main paycheck by spending as little as possible (living with roommates, never eating out, selling extra clothes, gigs, overtime), and the side hustles were completely 100% savings. I also sold a lot of stuff and did as many odd jobs as I could.

TFD: What was your wage at the coffee shop and your other side jobs that contributed to your extra income?

Kate: I made $8 an hour at the coffee shop and it was a lame-ass job. I actually tried several side jobs before I landed on a customer service retail job. I tried Starbucks but it was too stressful, I did political canvassing but that was only temporary, I tried Door Dash but that was a huge waste of time for very little money. There were other jobs too but ultimately I took the customer service job and did that for about 18 months (even throughout Covid).

I was making about $900-$1,000 a month doing customer service which was a real big bummer because I was working almost full-time. But being able to throw $2,000 a month at my student loans was a huge, massive step towards financial freedom. 

I also made about $150-$700 monthly, as a freelancer. This varied wildly based on the work (writing jobs, stand-up comedy, design work, etc)

TFD: That kind of commitment can be extremely stressful. How did you keep pushing through it?

Kate: I decided I would spend a year living to work so that I could eventually have the financial freedom to travel full time and move across the world (which I did, and I'm currently living in Morocco).

10 Tiny Tasks You Can Do Throughout The Week To Ensure A Carefree Weekend

In a not-so-distant former life, I was all about intense work weekdays and super lazy and/or carefree weekends. While this may sound good in theory, it was far from the ideal work-life balance you’d assume this yields. For you see, I never fully closed out my workweeks in a way that set me up for an easy Monday to follow. My workplace was so toxic that the work was never-ending and there was always so much of it. My goal every Friday was to just finish what was in front of me; I rarely gave a rat’s ass as to what was ahead of me. As the saying goes, “Don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”

Fast forward and I’ve since ditched this counterproductive and counterintuitive approach to work and time management. I’ve been doing the below tasks throughout the week and it’s freed up my weekends tremendously (and I don’t just mean timewise, but anxiety wise too). I no longer feel a looming sense of doom that I’m missing out on something or that I’m up against a 48-hour hourglass to enjoy my limited weekend.

Check out some of my favorite hacks and tips, below...


"A cat eye has been my staple makeup look since high school and after going through a few different brands I found "the one" in this Revlon ColorStay Liquid Liner. The pointed applicator makes precision easy, it's highly pigmented, and is affordable!" - Krystal

"I decided to stop watching tv after being done with my day and replaced it with reading instead and I've already finished 2 1/2 books in a week. I am obsessed with Casey McQuiston and her two books One Last Stop and Red, White and Royal Blue; I literally spent 6 hours straight finishing One Last Stop and went to bed at 3 am because I needed to know everything! I love all feel-good romance books but the fact that these two present same-sex love stories and not hopeless-love-will-save-me straight female characters felt like a breath of fresh air." - Maria

"For my fellow banana stans: I've been on a really big smoothie kick lately and I'm so in love with this (relatively) healthy banana smoothie that I've made it like 3 times this week. One frozen banana, 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk, one chopped-up date, a tbsp ground flax seeds, 2 tbsp unsweetened almond butter and a few ice cubes. Delicious and filling!" - Holly

"An album I've been bumping religiously lately is Tyler the Creator's CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST. Tyler keeps outdoing himself with every album and this one is phenomenal. Lots of use of soul samples (along with Tyler's genius production) add to the overall personal and romantic vibe of the album. And the features and collaborations are top-notch as always! (Lil Uzi, Brent Faiyaz, DJ Drama, Domo Genesis, DAISY WORLD and more). Definitely listen if you get a chance!" - Kristine

"Last weekend, I watched a Guatemalan film from last year, La Llorona. It uses the well-known myth to illustrate an atrocity from recent Guatemalan history, to incredible effect. I cannot recommend it enough if you don't mind a little horror and are interested in learning more about the country." - Chelsea

"Having friends over for dinner to enjoy Cuban-style roast pork meant I got to make Cuban-style rice pudding for an on-theme dessert. The method for this rice pudding was much different from what I've done in the past -- you cook the rice in water first and THEN add the milk, and you add in a can of sweetened condensed milk -- two things that yield a super-rich, creamy and extra sweet dessert!" - Lauren

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