Hello lovely,
If it wasn’t right there in my calendar I’d find it hard to believe that this week marks the 11th anniversary of my first blog post.
When I first started I had absolutely no idea what I was doing and even less of a plan. I was producing radio and writing the occasional article here and there, and I just wanted to have somewhere that I could write about anything that I wanted any old time.
My first posts were a completely random mix of things including my take on pedestrian crossing etiquette and why only female mosquitoes bite. Then after a while I realised I wanted to focus more on travel and to make my blog look a lot more professional than what I was capable of creating in Blogger.
So I decided to invest in myself.
I took all of my tax return money to Cath Hughes from Phase Creative, a website designer who could create a great Wordpress blog for me, and guide me through the steps I needed to use it (while taking care of all the things I didn’t need to worry about).
And then I decided to see where the blog would take me. Which as it turned out was to a whole lot of places I wanted to travel to, included my ultimate dream destination, Antarctica.
Over the years I haven’t been the most consistent of bloggers. Some believe you should write at least one story a week. Others think it should be more often. And I wouldn't even come close to that.
For a while there I would beat myself up for not writing enough for my own channels when I was so busy writing for other people. But when writing for other people pays the bills and you’re travelling so much that it’s challenging enough to stay on top of all of those deadlines it’s easy to let your own site fall behind.
Then of course 2020 happened and I wasn’t travelling anywhere and there was hardly any travel writing work to be found. And that’s when I had the time to fall back in love with Adventures All Around.
I spent endless hours going back through old posts. Deleting some, updating others. I came up with new stories I wanted to cover and very quickly found myself with a crazy long list of story ideas that I want to do.
Now that work has picked up again I’m facing the old challenge of balancing my blog dreams with writing for other people. But I’m also excited about doing both.
While I still may not be the fastest at getting those ideas up on the blog, I can’t wait to share them when I do.
Later this week I’m going to be treating myself to a very special stay that I’ve been dreaming of for a while. And you bet I’ll be raising a glass of bubbles to Adventures All Around and feeling so grateful for taking that chance on myself when I do.

New on the blog

What it’s like to stay in the Gold Coast’s first sustainable boutique motel.


This made me smile

This sheep drone footage is hypnotic. Love!


Travel Dreaming

This incredible home in Venice sleeps up to 9 people from around €530 a night.


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