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Ephesians 3:14-19
John 6:1-20

Rev. Nancy Mikoski
“His Prayer and Our Life”

Hope Anderson
David Anderson
The Sanctuary is open for in-person worship with safety protocols

Link to live streaming.
Click to start the video at 10:15 AM.
(The PPC YouTube channel is your backup.)

Morning Prayer:
"God of the sunrise, ground me and root me in love today. As I move through all the different roles I play-- parent, child, student, worker, church member, supervisor, volunteer-- be my companion and strengthen my inner being where I live with you. Amen."
Evening Prayer:
"God of the embracing darkness, thank you for dwelling in my heart. I was able to accomplish some things today and not others. Thank you for letting me rest in the promise that you are able to accomplish abundantly more in my life than all I can ask or imagine. I will sleep in peace. Amen."
From Feasting on the Word Worship Companion Year B Volume 2. Kimberly Bracken Long, ed. WJK. Louisville. 2015
Do you need a current church family directory?

Send an email to to request a link to download a copy.

This week's children's bulletins are focused on the story in John 6:1-20. 

The bulletins: Age 3+ and Age 7+. The answer keys for 3+. and age 7+
A Great Sunday Afternoon Young Family Event at Kunkel Park!
Sunday, July 25 at 4 PM

You may still get the Zoom link for this special meeting with Dr. Linda Epps if you send an email to by 1 PM.

She will help us better understand systemic racism and how we can be good allies. There will be time for Q&A.

July 22 at 2 PM

How can we get involved in racial equity issues and actually DO something meaningful? That’s a really good question. To help us figure out an answer, we have turned to an expert in the field, Dr. Linda Caldwell Epps. She is a woman of faith who has devoted the past forty years to taking action and inviting others to take action on behalf of racial equity. Please join us in person in the church on Thursday, July 22 at 2 PM for a very special conversation with Dr. Epps. She will help us identify and explore options for taking action in racial equity issues in a meaningful way. Please contact the church office to let us know you are planning to join us, or if you’d like the Zoom link for this informative event. For everyone’s safety, if you attend in person we ask that you wear a mask if you have not been vaccinated.
Dr. Epp’s specialty in so many different ways has always been education. She began her professional journey at Presbyterian-related Bloomfield College here in New Jersey, leaving as Vice President for Student Affairs. Currently, she is president and CEO of 1804 Consultants, a consulting firm dedicated to the advancement of education and cultural organizations. Linda is focusing on the history of African Americans in New Jersey, One vehicle is the Sankofa Collaborative, whose motto is “look back ...move forward”. We invite you to read more of Dr. Epps’ biography at For her many involvements and leadership, she received an honorary degree from Princeton University this past June.
Our Racial Equity Study Group has used its resources this year to learn more about all of our American history and we are anxious to focus now on putting what we're learning into productive action.

If you'd like to attend, contact the church office to let us know if you plan to attend in person or to request the Zoom link for July 22 at 2 PM. 

Cindy Reeder brought an urgent need to our attention. When she was helping at the Hopewell Valley Mobile Food Pantry earlier this week, she noticed that the shelves are pretty empty! With vacations and other summertime distractions donations have fallen off. The pantry particularly needs proteins like canned tuna, salmon, chicken, and peanut butter. Also needed are starches like rice and pasta as well as tomatoes and pasta sauce, and healthy cereals. A variety of spices and milk or vegan high protein drinks like almond milk in long-lasting packages are also welcome. Please make us there is plenty of time left on the 'best used by date' on the packaging.

Thank you for being loyal supporters. You may leave your donations between the double doors at the courtyard entrance or take them directly to the panty located at Hopewell Valley YMCA, 62 South Main St, Pennington, NJ 08534.

You may check the web page for the pantry for new needs Financial support and volunteer effort are also gratefully accepted. The contact information and donation link are at the above URL.

Arm in Arm - NextGen Leadership Council Opportunity!

My name is Kelsey, I am a Princeton Theological Seminary student and an intern with Arm in Arm! I am reaching out to let you know about Arm in Arm's NextGen Leadership Council. This is an amazing opportunity for younger congregants, ages 21-33, to be engaged with their communities through leadership and service. We are looking for young professionals who are excited about serving their community and fostering friendships while doing it. 
I would appreciate it if you could pass this on to anyone who you think might be interested. Below are hyperlinks to the application and details for more information. We appreciate your continued support of Arm in Arm, and we are so excited to get back to some in-person volunteer opportunities. 
NextGen Leadership Council: Under the guidance and leadership of Board Member Adrian Colarusso, we are relaunching our NextGen Leadership Council and are currently accepting applications. Throughout the course of one year, NextGen members will meet once per month (mix of zoom and in-person volunteer opportunities) and work on a meaningful project to help Arm In Arm. Details can be found here, as well as on this video we created. Applications are due on August 1st. Please feel free to share this information with any young professional you believe might be a good fit. Thank you!
Peace and Grace, 
Learn more about Arm in Arm.

Please watch this brief message about the Arm in Arm - NextGen Leadership Council Opportunity!


There are now 15 volunteers corresponding with inmates at Edna Mahon Correction Facility. We have one more name left on our original list of 16. Others have also asked to join the program at EMCF.

Willing to consider becoming a pen pal?

This program was created in response to the Matthew 25 initiative. The commitment is to serve by engaging in some person-to-person communication as a child of God. The level of effort on average means reading and writing 1 letter per month. Mail arrives at the church office.

Contact Nancy Schluter for information or call the church office at 609-737-1221, extension 10.


Congratulations! We have 81 subscribers. Only 19 to go in order to reach the goal of 100 subscribers that will bring with it some branding benefits to help others find us on YouTube.

Thank you to all who've subscribed.

The simple steps to subscribe are below. If you use more than one email or have more than one email in your family and have already subscribed, you have a chance to subscribe additionally to get us to goal that much faster. 

The church gets some communication benefits (branding, a simpler URL for our channel, embedded links, etc.) if we can get up to 100 subscribers to our YouTube channel. Even if you attend in person regularly, please consider subscribing to help out. Subscribe from all of the emails you and your family members use. 

It's an easy process.  Thank you!
Merciful Lord, prepare my heart and hear my prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Pray for our Community in Jesus' name that these neighbors and friends are wrapped in God's love.
  • Our neighbors at the Pennington AG Church
  • Those who are suffering or grieving because of COVID19 and all the helpers caring for the sick and helping to vaccinate their neighbors
  • Those suffering from heat, drought, and other impacts of climate change
  • Healing of wounds caused by racism and injustice
  • Strong and healthy friendships and partnerships that seek the good of all people
  • Those suffering from addiction and working on sobriety; and folks with mental health concerns
Continue to Pray in Jesus' name that these members of our church family experience God's healing touch. Nolan Larthey (1); Galen Meyer and his family; Scott Keneman; Virginia Silliphant; Carol Uhrich; Dolores Sherman and family; Marilyn Rutledge; Edna Stout; Jayne and Jay Neary; David Anderson; Marji McAvoy; Bob Fletcher; Virginia Silliphant; Bob Macek; Anna Hillman; Edna Neu; Robin Hepburn; Elsa and Charles Koczan; Shirley Norton; Corinne Beyer; Marge Ryan; Michael Berkowitz; Karen Kelly; Dawn Cocco; Caroline Woodward; and all families who are grieving and lonely.

(1) Nolan is home and feeling more like himself.
Pray for Our Church Family that these friends and neighbors experience God's love in their daily lives. We pray each week for those listed alphabetically in our church family directory: Susan Danser, and Robert, Grace, and Paul Warznak; Brandon, Amanda, Elliott, and Alexander Detherage; Gary, Sally, and Matthew Dobson; Donald Dolan and Sarah Sensenig; Gale Downey; Ruth Ehinger and Richard, Emily and Julie Alexander; Suzanne Elliott, and Steven, Rose, and Alice Pieri; Adam, Lexi, Kylie, and Gavin Ewart.

Please continue praying for the People of the World that peace and recovery may reign in all regions and nations.  No part of the world is untouched by some form of natural or human-generated crises or the COVID pandemic. Let us pray that vaccines reach more of the world as quickly as possible and that wealthier countries cooperate to make this happen for those who live in more limited economic or war-torn circumstances. 

Let Us Pray as Jesus Taught Us ... 
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Prayer Chain ... 
Nancy Lehman to request prayers. She will distribute the request to the PPC's Prayer Chain. If you want to use a telephone, please call Barbara Pratt.


Three memorials have been scheduled:
August 21 - 2 PM - Dick Pratt
September 18 - 11 AM - Jean Cooper
September 25 - 2 PM - Ruth Morewood

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