

Promoting, Supporting, and Leading Local Emergency Communications Activities

July 2021 Newsletter

The purpose of Georgia AUXCOMM is to promote, support, and lead emergency communications activities that support community needs. This is our monthly newsletter.

July 2021 Training Meeting - Thursday, 7/29 @ 8pm
COMU Briefing for FEMA Region IV

Please join us online on Thursday, July 29th at 8pm for the monthly training meeting of Georgia AuxComm. This month's presentation is titled "COMU Briefing for FEMA Region IV". Our presenter will be Pam Montanari, CISA coordinator for FEMA Region IV.

Pam Montanari is the CISA ECD Regional Coordinator for the Region IV States, including Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama and Mississippi. In this role, Pam supports efforts across all levels of government to build and improve capabilities, provide feedback and assessments for further development of ECD services, and advocate for key ECD initiatives, programs and activities.

Pam previously served as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in the OEC/ICTAP program and has over 30 years in local and regional communications. In her role as the Pinellas County Radio and Data Systems Manager she oversaw all operations of the countywide P25-700/800 MHz Trunked radio and data systems, and was responsible for planning, grants, budgeting, managing and directing local and regional public safety communications efforts.

Pam holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Management from Eckerd College; is a Certified Public Manager (CPM) and holds two Associate Degrees in electronics technology.

Thu, July 29, 2021 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM (EDT)

You can also dial in using your phone. 
(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)
United States: +1 (646) 749-3335 
- One-touch: tel:+16467493335,,989606317#
Access Code: 989-606-317

This meeting is free and open to all who have an interest in Emergency Communications. You do not have to be a member of Georgia AuxComm to attend.

Free give away!

As part of our 1 year anniversary (and to encourage you to read this newsletter), we're going to keep doing the special prize give away.  How would you like to win one of these cool GEORGIA AUXCOMM stickers?

June 2021 winners were:

  • Alvin Moses - KJ4QID
  • Joe Owens - KK4NTE
  • Wendell Freeman - WA4YJD
  • Dan Ozment - W4DTO
  • Tom Tcimpidis - K6TGT (tie for 5th)
  • John Mitchell - K4ATL (tie for 5th)

Let's keep the contest going. The first five people who reply to this e-newsletter via email and include the following information, will win a free sticker.

1. Name
2. Callsign
3. Mailing address
4. What is your favorite HT?
5. Code word listed near the bottom of the email newsletter.

Winners will be announced in the next newsletter.

(NOTE - Georgia AUXCOMM leaders and previous winners are NOT eligible to win, you all already have a sticker!)

What did you do for ARRL Field Day this year?

Last year, Georgia AUXCOMM held its first annual Field Day at  Cloudland Canyon State Park.  We decided not to do that again this year and encourage our members to spend ARRL Field Day with their local clubs.  So, what did you do for Field Day on June 26 & 26th?  Here's what some of our members did.

AUXC members David Benoist, AG4ZR, and Joe Domaleski, KI4ASK, operated 2021 Field Day from a cabin at Cloudland Canyon State Park (also a POTA activation!).  As the ARRL Georgia Section Manager, David also made official contacts with many clubs around the state to help them earn the coveted "Section Manager message" bonus points!  Photo by: Mary Catherine Domaleski, KI4HHI.

AUXC members John Davis, WB4QDX, and Mark Bell, N7GRB, spent Field Day with the Gwinnett Amateur Radio Society (GARS).  Photo by: Sandy Jackson, KJ4DRO.

Reply back to this newsletter with your 2021 Field Day photos.  We'll select a few to feature in an upcoming newsletter AND we'll send you a Georgia AUXCOMM tactical sticker!

REMINDER - Georgia AUXC Monthly 60m Net - August 8th, 2021 (always the second Sunday at 1400 Local)

Georgia AUXCOMM has been conducting a monthly net on 60m Channel 5 on the second Sunday of each month at 1400 local.  Recognizing the growing importance of 60m as an interoperability band, we've been practicing our own skills and testing our gear to ensure we can effectively communicate on 60m.  We'd like to invite each of you to participate in the net. Please ensure that you have the proper radio licensure to participate.  Amateur radio operators that are General class or higher are authorized to use the band.  Please note that amateur radio is a secondary service on the band and must not interfere with other services such as government agencies.

Our net takes check-ins via 60m Channel 5 Phone (5.403.5 MHz, USB) and Winlink to WX4GMA.  Most of our operators check-in using both SSB and Winlink.  Winlink check-ins should include your location, power level, and equipment used.  The net starts with a preamble, roll call of AUXC leaders, and then open check-ins.  If Channel 5 is not available, the backup is 60m Channel 4.

Want to know more about the 60m band?  
We hope you'll join us for the next net, scheduled for Sunday, August 8th at 2pm (local) on 5.403.5 MHz, USB (Channel 5).

COMING SOON - AUXC Field Day and AUXC Training Classes!

COVID-19 really put a damper on our plans to have more deployments, training days, and official AUXC training classes in 2020 and 2021.  We started Georgia AUXCOMM at the beginning of 2020, just before the COVID pandemic.  The pandemic really made it challenging to train and practice our skills in person.  That's about to change.

Picture from the November 2019 AUXC class.

We are in the planning stages to conduct two activities this fall.
  1. AUXC Field Day - a one day, in person event to demonstrate and practice emergency communications skills AND provide Position Task Book (PTB) sign-offs.  We'll definitely be able to sign-off on AUXC PTB, but are working with ARES to possibly handle ARES PTB sign-offs as well.  (NOTE: ALL of our AUXC members are ARES members and many are ARES leaders as well).
  2. AUXC Certification Class - attending the AUXC class is a requirement to be a member of Georgia AUXCOMM.  We know that many of you want to attend the class and it's been a source of mutual frustration that we were not able to host any classes during the pandemic.  This affected not only the AUXC program, but many other training programs across the state.  Because the class has to be planned, budgeted, and approved - it takes time.  A proposal to conduct classes before the end of the year has been submitted to the State of Georgia.  At a minimum, it'll be AUXC - but may include COML and COMT as well.  Stay tuned for a future official announcement about training classes and thanks for your patience!

Who's going to the Huntsville Hamfest on August 21 & 22, 2021?

The Huntsville Hamfest is one of the largest hamfests in the country and it's usually well attended by amateur radio operators from all over the southeastern US.  They didn't have the event last year due to COVID.  It's back this year and bigger than ever!

(L-R) Ryan Bibby (KN4RQL), Frank Dean (K4SJR), Greg Smith (KK4YLX), and Joe Domaleski (KI4ASK) at the 2019 Huntsville Hamfest

Do you plan on attending?  If so, we'd love to know and perhaps we can setup an AUXC get together.

Our own PIO Joe Domaleski, KI4ASK, and his wife Mary Catherine, KI4HHI, will be leading a forum on Saturday morning at 10am in the Redstone Room entitled "Having Fun with Portable Ham Radio, including POTA".

Mary Catherine (KI4HHI) and Joe (KI4ASK) Domaleski at the Huntsville Hamfest.

For more information about the hamfest, including the schedule of events and forums, please visit the official Huntsville Hamfest website at

GaAUXCOMM needs your support!

We have established a non-profit membership organization to support our mission.  Consider becoming an early bird member with a $30 donation. We need your support so we can continue serving the community.  Here's a link you can use to apply for membership and make a donation.

CODE WORD: use60meters

FAQ and Social Media

Keep in touch with Georgia AUXCOMM! We've prepared a handy FAQ about the organization and will regularly communicate updates from this monthly newsletter and via social media outlets.

This newsletter is our primary official communication outlet.  If you're getting this newsletter, then "you're on the list".  Feel free to share this newsletter.

Other information sources include:







Please direct all general questions and press inquiries to Georgia AUXCOMM PIO Joe Domaleski, KI4ASK, at


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