July 26, 2021
Hello and welcome to this week's edition of The Financial Diet newsletter! Thank you all for joining us in this special little corner of the TFD community :)

For those who are new to TFD, welcome! We are an independent, all-women media company dedicated to helping you talk about money and live better with what you have. You can find us on YouTube, our website, Instagram, and hosting many money-centric digital events

For the month of July, TFD is bringing you our inclusive Summer Do-Over!

Since last summer was clearly canceled, we want to encourage you to fully embrace and "do" summer 2021, responsibly. This includes having a fiscally responsible, yet fun, time outside, enjoying summer break without going broke. Each week, we're providing How-To's for having an optimal post-pandemic season, including tips for traveling on any budget, spending intuitively, and easing your way back into social settings, be it mentally or financially.

This week, we go through a step-by-step process of how to track and better manage your grocery spending. After all, do you really need another $12 jar of almond butter?

Be sure to keep up with @thefinancialdiet on Instagram for more.

I hope you all have a great week, and we'll see you in your inbox next Monday!

<3 Soraya, TFD Commissioning Editor

We're super excited to bring you a FREE workshop this week. Click the link below to reserve your spots!

:sparkles: The Mid-Year Financial Checkup - July 29

by Keertana Anandraj

It’s summer and if you’re anything like me, chances are you’re hoarding fresh fruits, splurging on lakeside and ocean-front AirBnBs every weekend, and grilling. With so much sun and ripe vegetables, your grocery bill is probably getting a bit out of hand. Well, enter the grocery audit! With just a quick five to ten minutes, you can get on top of your grocery spending, whether it’s for the week, the month, or the season. 

First, assemble and file your grocery receipts. Using your receipts, categorize your spending in the last 30 days. Is the bulk of your spending going towards organic produce, which can be pricier? Or are you a little over-addicted to coconut water? Either per week or per month, tally up how much money you’re spending on categories like meat and poultry (if this applies), vegetables, snacks, dairy, etc. While it can be tempting to beat yourself up for buying a few extra bottles of wine, for instance, this exercise isn’t meant to feel like self-sabotage: it’s simply to get a sense of where and how your money is being spent.

Next, reflect on your household’s dietary needs. Now, think about how many members are in your household and what types of dietary restrictions they have. If you live alone this is easy but if you’re living in a shared space with roommates or family members, keeping track of how many mouths you’re feeding (and any dietary restrictions you’re accounting for with your grocery bill) can explain any pricey purchases. For instance, if your spouse or partner has a nut-allergy, is gluten-free, lactose-intolerant, etc., buying certain items are non-negotiable expenses you probably can’t skimp on. If, on the other hand, you’re experimenting with veganism and are naively splurging on overpriced vegan brands, maybe it’s time to start considering some popular, affordable vegan swaps.

Finally, what’s in your fridge, cupboards and pantry? Since you’ve taken the time to determine where your grocery spending is going and which expenses are mandatory or not, depending on your family’s dietary situation, now go through your pantry to see what staples you have and are simply not using or which items you’ve perhaps over-purchased 2-3 times. Maybe you keep thinking you’ve forgotten to buy pasta sauce but you actually have 5 bottles at home--so make a note of that! Or perhaps you bought chickpeas in bulk and haven’t used them in a while but can lower your upcoming grocery bill by making a meal with canned items. 

Now that you’ve done a quick audit of your household, past grocery bill(s), and your supplies, jot down a few ideas for how you can cut down on spending. Whether it’s switching to a generic brand for a few weeks, creating recipes that utilize existing items in your pantry, or flagging your overspending on indulgences (chocolate and wine, anyone?), there’s always something you can do to reduce your grocery bill. And, if you can’t think of any ideas, start looking for coupons for your major supermarket and taking advantage of deals you find. That way, you can stock up on pantry staples at a discount or switch to a brand of yogurt that’s on sale for the month of August. 

So in short:

  1. Count your household and consider varying dietary needs (1 min)
  2. Organize your receipt(s) in the past 30 days (consider an easy scanning app like Receipt Scanner or Bill) (3 mins)
  3. Consider what can go and keep what can’t (3 mins)


Remember, while auditing your actual spending is pretty swift, you may need to dedicate more time for an initial, deep inventory dive into your fridge, pantry and cupboards' stock.

Auditing your groceries may sound intimidating but it’s actually a simple, easy-to-do task that exercises your creativity in coming up with fun ways to save money on a recurring expense! That being said, between you and I’ll still be spending a little too much this summer on farm fruit.


5 People On The Brokest They've Ever Been & How They Bounced Back

Whoever said “more money, more problems,” clearly has never been broke or they simply forgot that being broke is no walk in the park, either. But at the end of the day, tough times don’t last. Tough people do.

Recently we asked TFD readers to share their story on their lowest money moments, and how they managed to overcome their financial woes and come out on the other side of debt.

Check out the responses...



"I'm getting a few beachy items for an upcoming vacation and just got my second color in this swimsuit from Aerie — it's a one-piece that's actually flattering! I am short-waisted and pear-shaped, so I find it difficult to find one-pieces I actually like. I love that the wrap top makes it not *too* modest, but it still has full coverage on the lower half (also why is that so hard to find these days??)" - Holly

"I recently watched Netflix's This Is Pop docu-series and let me just say this: Boyz II Men deserve their flowers! It was extremely interesting to hear a lot of music execs and former boy band members (including Nick Lachey) blatantly (albeit humbly) admit that the entire 90's-00's boy band culture ripped their style. B2M was the blueprint. If I had to suggest anything else, stream their music as well!" - Soraya

"I'm kind of obsessive about buying hair/beauty/skincare products that are as clean and safe as possible for both myself and my son. I swear by the Think Dirty app and recommend it constantly IRL — you can search for products by type or put in a product you are thinking about buying to check their rating: 0 being super safe to use and 10 being don't put that near your skin. I use it before trying anything new." - Rachel

"Speaking of Netflix recs there's this docu-series called How To Become A Tyrant with 6 episodes that cover various dictators over time. The titles of each episode go as follows: 1) Seize Power, 2) Crush Your Rivals, 3) Reign Through Terror, 4) Control The Truth, 5) Create A New Society and, 6) Rule Forever. And surprisingly enough (but not really), the whole time I kept thinking, 'Wow, this is Trump.' 10/10 would recommend. " - Krystal

"I needed a strapless bra recently and wandered into Lively and had the best experience.  They have some really affordable stuff and the staff is super friendly and helpful.  I ended up getting fitted and found out that I've been WAY off in my band and cup size.  I'm hardly the first person to say this but having well-fitting bras is such a game-changer.  I feel like all my clothes fit better.  I am a new woman. Thanks Lively. " - Jane

"Speaking of 'clean" skincare,' this sunscreen is free of fragrance and parabens and goes on so nicely. It's a bit pricey but I was given it as a gift and have to admit it feels much lighter/less sticky than other kinds I've used. I save it for just my face and use a cheaper kind elsewhere." - Annie

"I own the leopard print drawstring backpack from Baggu and it's so cute and lightweight! They have a bunch of different colors and styles that go with most outfits and it's the perfect backpack for the summer if you don't want to haul around anything too heavy. Highly recommend them!" - Kristine


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