Saint Patrick’s Family:
I am thinking of you during this amazing time of pandemic news.
How are you feeling about things? Are you scared, lonely, bored, or just ready for something different? Do you feel safe in coming to church in person? Do you know you can be at our Sunday service inside the church or on Zoom? Would you like to visit with a priest? Phone Priest Doyle if you want to visit on the phone, by Zoom, or in Person. 520-268-0366
Do you know you can have fellowship on Zoom on Tuesday
mornings? It is called Coffee Hour and is at 10:00.
We also include fellowship at the beginning of our Zoom Compline Service on Tuesday afternoons at 4:00 and at the beginning of our Zoom Parish Bible Study on Wednesday mornings at 9:00. Men also have fellowship at the Men’s Zoom Bible Study on Friday mornings at 8:30.
It has been fun for us to see each other in-person on Sunday mornings. We also visit outside after the service. Sometimes cookies are available to take home thanks to our bakers. It has been joyful! We no longer need reservations to attend the service in person. Do you need a ride to church?
We talked about having our Annual Picnic on Sunday, October 3. We don’t think this is a good idea after the most recent health news concerning this pandemic. Masks are required for most groups inside, and large groups are discouraged outside too.
We would like to do something! What do you think?
Would you come to an outside Ice-cream Social following Sunday
Morning Eucharist? Would you come to a simple coffee hour after Sunday Morning Eucharist? Would you like to meet in small groups in the Parish Hall? Would you like a ride?
Please let us know your thoughts. Give your church friends a call and find out what is going on. Share what is happening with you.
What would lift your spirits or help us connect? Would you like to have another Saint Patrick’s Pick-Up Dinner-To-Go Event?
We want your ideas. We would like to try new things to connect with one another. It is important for us to stay in communication during these times of changing news and protocols.
Your Vestry and I would like to hear from you. Help us plan things for our Parish Family.
Your Vestry Members are:
Charlie Buff, Marilyn Ganz, Merle Holtzen, Sandy Keith, Pam Moore, Karl Mutch, Sarah Phillips, Jackie Senter, and Priest Doyle
Do you know that Bobbiejo, our Parish Administrator, will be having a baby later this year? She is expecting a girl!!! Share our excitement. Pray for Bobbiejo and her family.

Priest Doyle, Rector
Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church
Kenwood, CA