Dear L&S Student, 
Whether you're new to campus or a continuing student, we're excited to welcome you to the Fall 2021 semester! In order to serve your advising needs, L&S Advising has announced that we will continue to offer services remotely for the Fall semester, until further notice. We look forward to supporting and connecting with you in the following ways:
 Get Advice & Make Advising Appointments 
Hint: Before booking with an L&S Adviser, consider whether you’re sure it’s a question for L&S Advising. If you are not sure where to start, our Virtual Front Desk can help you.
⇨ Access our Live Virtual Front Desk 
Use this valuable resource for:
-Clarification on L&S College policies/procedures 
-Help choosing petitions and forms 
-Help navigating which campus office to contact with questions
-Guidance on whether to make an appointment with an L&S Adviser 
⇨ Submit a Petition
Common petitions at this time of year include:
-Double Major & Simultaneous Degree Applications
-Incomplete Extensions and Freezes
-Expected Graduation Term (EGT) Changes
-Work Verification Forms & Reduced Course Load Requests
-Concurrent Enrollment Requests
Get a Quick Question answered
If you have a quick, general question that doesn't require the opening of your academic record, simply send an email to 
Follow L&S Advising on Social Media!

Love hearing your fellow Bears reflect on their experiences? Like to be the one most in the know about events, opportunities, and more?
Click the icons below to follow us on Instagram and Facebook and be part of the conversation. 

We look forward to welcoming you and supporting your academic goals this Fall!


L&S Advising Team

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College of Letters and Science, Office of Undergraduate Advising · 206 Evans Hall · Berkeley, CA 94720-3801 · USA