Hey Norm's Friend -

Last week a report came out from the United Nations about Climate Change and how bad it is. It's bad. Sometimes it feels overwhelming and like there's nothing we can do. But we can - and I threw out a few ideas (plus asking your politicians and getting involved in organizations that support climate change) on my Twitter feed the other day. This got me thinking about our favorite energy saving phrase: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We all know we should do it and we all could be better at it than we are. Then I started to think about things you can reduce, reuse and recycle in your business. No, not printing on both sides of a page (but you should) or turning off electronics to save energy (but you should). As we come to the end of the summer, what do you need to Reduce, Reuse and/or Recycle in your business?


1. Reduce

  • The number of newsletters you send out  - Do you read that many emails from another business? Check your open rates and reevaluate your frequency. 
  • The time you spend on Social Media for work (and personal - and yes this is mostly a reminder for myself) 
  • Meeting Times - Schedule your hour meeting for 45 minutes instead. If you schedule it for less time, people will start to finish early and you have a buffer between meetings. 

2. Reuse

  • Content! You wrote all that - use it! Promote it on social media, add it to a newsletter, and use it on your blog.
  • Branding - You paid for those fancy headshots pre-pandemic, you hired that designer to do great work for you, make sure you're using your branding EVERYWHERE!
  • Say It Again - Why do I talk about newsletters and Mailchimp and follow up all the time? Because that's what I do! Say it again for those in the back who weren't ready to hear it the first time. 

3. Recycle 

  • Checklists! Do you have the same onboarding for clients? Create a checklist to keep yourself and clients on task.
  • Outdated Content - Take a look at your website and make sure there's nothing that needs to be updated or removed from your site. Business is fluid and things change. Make sure you aren't sounding out of touch.
  • Your Newsletter - If your open rates aren't what you were hoping for, resend that newsletter to the people who didn't open it the first time. Give it 4-5 days and try it again - a different day and time might be exactly what gets someone to open it. 
What do you need to reduce, reuse or recycle in your business as we come to the end of summer? This is a great time to take a look and get those systems tightened up as we head into fall.
Elizabeth, Norm & Cliff!

From the Blog

Norm & Cliff

These two are enjoying sunbathing in the heat and the increase of frozen treats in their lives lately.

They were also as curious as I was to check out our new Ridwell bags so we can better recycle items that are a challenge to recycle locally. We've had our first pick up and it went off without a hitch! Bonus: batteries and light bulbs and plastic bags aren't piled up around the house anymore!

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