[Image of Carl]

Welcome to Newsletter #204

A bunch of tales I wanted to share with you

A tale I read

A supermarket just before closing by John Osborne
[A supermarket just before closing by John Osborne]

A tale I heard

Comedian Lou Sanders on enjoying skating:

"I worked out recently that the adrenaline I get from the skate parks is the same as I get from gigs. It’s as embarrassing as when you start comedy, because there are all these cool kids who are really good at it and you’re scrambling around like a toddler."

A tale I saw

Unique by Erin Bolens  

A tale I wrote

You need to find a butcher you can trust,
a face on a head that looks
like it knows what it's doing,
legs that do what they're designed to do.
You need to find a moon
that watches and learns
and never tells you how small you are.
There will be streets you don't want to walk down
and skies keen to swallow the space
between the ears you were given.
You're allowed to worry,
why else would we feel like that?

A tail I like

[A tail I like]
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