
Even though we don’t shy away from all the feelings and all the real things, we always circle back to love and light.

There is no magic, just quality processes and thoughtful intentions, and yet it really does make for a magical experience. Thank you all. My heart is full as always after our meeting.

I want to make sure you have the quote from today, and my encouragement to be “a little braver.” The world needs thoughtful people, and you benefit from taking that role. You see power of your “okayness” translated into love.

Wise words from Allyson Felix:

“I’m afraid of letting people down. Of letting myself down. I hold myself to such high standards and I’m realizing as I’m sitting here the night before my final individual Olympic final that in a lot of ways I’ve let my performance define my worth. I’ve been afraid that my worth is tied to whether or not I win or lose. But right now I’ve decided to leave that fear behind. To understand that I am enough.

I’m not sharing this note for me. I’m sharing it for any other athletes who are defining themselves by their medal count. I’m writing this for any woman who defines her worth on whether or not she’s married or has kids. I’m writing it for anyone who thinks that the people you look up to on TV are any different than you. I get afraid just like you, but we are so much more than enough. So take off the weight of everyone else’s expectation of you. Know that there is freedom on the other side of your fear. Go out there and be brave with your life because you are worthy of your dreams.”

Know that there is freedom on the other side of your fear. Go out there and be brave with your life…

What’s the freedom on the other side of fear for you?

What’s the most audacious dream you have?

In what ways might you consider “being braver” in your life?

There is much to ponder until we meet again next month, and our schedule again is:

September 15

October 13

November 10

December 8

With tremendous gratitude,


Copyright (C) 2021 Hannah Curtis. All rights reserved.

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