Email Emily
Ok, friend. The "Fall Plans" memes are killin' me. Especially this one and this one. There are so many.

But...this week I have to tell ya a quick story.

I got an email about a week ago from a business tax professional that I had contacted many years ago. This was a mass email and they were clearly starting to do email marketing. 

Since that email, I have gotten an email EVERY DAY from them. On taxes and their firm. 

So this week, I'm just here to tell you-- if you haven't done email marketing for your business and want to start or need to start up again, please promise me you will TAKE. IT. SLOW. 

You can't go from 0 to 100 with your subscribers. You gotta easeeee them in.

Like a first date - you're not going to jump in and be all "Will you marry me?" It's too much. And it's a QUICK way for people to unsubscribe. 

So what would this series look like? Here are my thoughts.

And notice throughout, you should consistently your subscribers know they can update their email preferences if they're not interested.
  • Email 1 - A re-introduction! This email should be a short hello and letting your people know that you're going to be sending more emails soon and they can change their email preferences or unsubscribe if they wish. You can use language like "I know it's been a while" or "You haven't heard from us in a year or two, but we wanted to pop back in your Inbox to..."
  • Email 2 - Sent 3-4 days after the first email. This email should remind them again who you are and provide GREAT content -- an important tax tip or "5 things to never do as a business owner." Maybe a great resource/article. You want to keep your subscribers happy and engaged. Provide them something worthwhile.
  • Email 3 - Sent one week later - "Our weekly update is here! Again, please feel free to update your email preference if you're not interested in hearing our weekly biz tip."
  • Email 4 - Sent one week later - "We have some awesome tips for you this week on things you can write off your taxes." Also, you could ask -- "Any business tax questions? Hit reply- and let us know!"
After this, your audience should be warmed up more and a weekly email would probably be best for an accounting company. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Are you thinking of starting up your email soon? Worried you're emailing too much? Hit reply and let me know. (And of course, always, test out the frequency of your emails. Here is some GREAT advice from 9 Mailchimp Pro Partners on that.)


Read your email out loud before you send. Literally out loud. It should feel like you're talking to a friend. If it doesn't, edit it. (Example: changing "I am" to "I'm" makes it more personable.)

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Have a lovely Sunday!

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