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Sanborn Newsletter August 2021
Do you Spik Inglish?
The Cause

In the last week of July our church, Vinelife, held a missions focused youth camp. The Cause focused on serving in our local community, and teaching the kids to keep their eyes open to the needs of others.

Team Building Games

Sean was able help out as an adult volunteer. Samantha and Timothy had a great time serving alongside friends. Here are some highlights:

Vinelife received permission to prayer-walk around a local school. This was the school Timothy attended in First Grade – it was not an easy time for him. He expressed how God was helping him to forgive what happened and he was glad God had brought him back to pray for them.

In front of an auto-part store, we offered $1 car washes- which is to say- we paid the driver $1 for the opportunity to wash their car. This provided opportunities to share Jesus and pray for people in need. It was exciting to watch the kids eagerness as they blessed their community.

We pay you to wash your car!

We painted and cleaned Live Oak Theater. The kids worked so hard that there was barely anything left to clean. The kids diligently cleaned up the property of a battered women’s shelter.

Doughnuts with friends

The youth also went to several bathrooms of fast-food restaurants with cleaning supplies. They cleaned the bathrooms and told a staff member before they left.

We broke into groups and all the kids got an opportunity to pray for people that we met. Sean led a team of boys and we prayed for several people at the local park.

Every day at lunch, Sean would serve the teenagers – fried bamboo worms-and mealworms, roasted eel, boiled crickets (fried would have tasted better), dried squid, spicy honeyed anchovies, siracha chick peas, crystalized ginger, seaweed, etc…
Our next DTS (Discipleship Training School) will start in late September, and we have received so many applications, that we only have a couple of slots that remain available for new students.

A DTS team recently visited and helped out.
New House
Having our own home is a dream come true for us. Even after 11 months, we still pinch ourselves every morning to make sure it's not a dream. Sean has a veggie garden going, and has plans for a pumpkin patch and other food crops.


The kids play king of the hill on a dirt mound
The Naga Trilogy
I did it! I have finally completed the Naga trilogy. Thanks to all of you who voted to help my book “Rescue” get the Online Book Club, young adult book of the year.
Review  Rescue on Amazon

Review Journey on Amazon

Review Dragon on Amazon

Did you know that you don’t have to read the whole book to post your opinion of a book on Amazon?


Free book for a photo shoot
Amazon Dragon review
Amy Norris - August 1 - 5/5 stars - Finally!!! Answers!!!!
We have been waiting so long for this book!!!! It certainly didn't disappoint. It was just as exciting as the first two. This series is such a page turner!!! You never know what's going to happen next or who will propose to who!!! Seriously though, if you're looking for a compelling story to enjoy, this is the series for you. Twists and turns (not just in the river) and unexpected challenges lurk on the next page. In Dragon, the third book and final book, the escapes were clever; the dangers were thrilling, and you just wanted to live where you could visit the characters often. Is there a real dragon? You'll just have to read it to find out!!
Samantha and Timothy
Samantha and Timothy are very busily involved in The Live Oak Theatre and Conservatory. They take voice, improv, dance, and acro. In Spring, Samantha was hilarious as Aladdin’s friend, “Babkak the thief” in the Live Oak production of Aladdin Jr. The summer was full of camps : Intensive Musical Theatre Camp, Dance Camp, and Tech/Design Camp. Samantha even had the privilege of being a mentor at the Beginners' camp. In the Fall, Samantha and Timothy will be in productions of Oliver Jr. and The Little Earl.


Aladin's friends
This week, Samantha and Timothy started a new home school program called Classical Conversations. They are actually excited for this new program and change in pace. We prayed a lot about this change, and felt that God was leading us in this new direction. We don’t have the full $3,640 necessary for the yearly payment, but we are trusting God to help us make this happen. Would you pray and ask God if you are to participate in helping the kids' education?

Live Oak Performance 
New Staff
It looks like a wonderful couple, Stuart and Michelle Simpson, who we’ve known for years as we ministered in Asia have decided to come and join us. They are seasoned missionaries and I know they will be a huge blessing.

Art Sanborn
Art (Sean’s Father) was miraculously cured of leukemia which he’d had for 20 years.
David and Victoria
David continues to work on his Master’s degree in Divinity and they have two beautiful children, John and Dominic.
We would like to resume our international outreaches to serve the needy, but Covid-19 has put a damper on several of our plans. Please pray with us that we will be able to resume this travel ministry.

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