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Moshe Rabbeinu is farbrenging with the Yidden more about the mitzvos they will need to be careful with in Eretz Yisroel! Of course we can NEVER steal, but in Eretz Yisroel there is an extra mitzvah to be careful not to steal someone else’s field by moving over the fence so your field is a little bit bigger. It is very important to judge people right in Beis Din! That’s why there always have to be TWO witnesses before the Beis Din can punish anyone. (If there is an argument about money, one witness is enough to make the person need to promise using Hashem’s name.) The Beis Din needs to make sure the witnesses are telling the truth! If a NEW set of witnesses proves that the first witnesses are lying, they are called Eidim Zomemim, and they get the punishment they were trying to make the person get! When someone hurts another person, the Beis Din needs to make them pay for what they did. Now Moshe Rabbeinu explains to the Yidden how to fight a war! We need to trust in Hashem when we fight, because it is Hashem who helps us win. We are not allowed to be afraid when we fight a war Hashem wants us to fight! The kohen who has the job of encouraging the Yidden is called the “Mashuach Milchama,” that he is anointed for war. He first comes to warn the Yidden not to be afraid, because Hashem fights with us! Then officers tell everyone to go home if they are afraid of something — like if they just built a house, or planted a new vineyard with grapes, or just got engaged. All these things will make a person worried, because he wants to make sure he gets to use his house, or eat his grapes, or marry his wife, and he might be afraid to be killed in the war! They also give anyone who is afraid of their aveiros a chance to leave. They are leaving because they are afraid that they don’t deserve for Hashem to save them, but they don’t need to be embarrassed. Everyone will think that they probably built a house or planted a vineyard or got engaged. Then there are certain soldiers who get a job to make sure nobody runs away, because that will scare everyone else! |
Today’s shiur Tehillim is kapitelach Chof-Tes to Lamed-Daled. We also say kapitelach Yud-Gimmel, Yud-Daled, and Tes-Vov for Chodesh Elul. Kapitel Lamed-Gimmel, in today’s Tehillim, talks about how special Hashem is! Dovid Hamelech says: “Bidvar Hashem, Shomayim Naasu” — “with the WORDS of Hashem, the heavens were made.” Hashem made the whole world through saying ten things — the Asara Maamaros. (Like “Yehi Ohr!” — “There should be light!”) Chassidus teaches us that the neshama of a Yid is a part of Hashem, and that by looking into our neshama, we can see and understand Hashem. So to understand more about Hashem’s speaking, we can think about how WE speak! We only say something after we think about or feel something, to share it with someone else. But what we say is not EVERYTHING we think or feel, just that part that we wanted to share! From this mashal, we can also understand that when Hashem created the world, through speaking, it’s only a small part of Hashem that is being shared with us. But Hashem is really MUCH greater than the world we see! |
To get Hashem’s chayus, we need to DESERVE it. How do we deserve it? By doing mitzvos, and especially Chesed (like Tzedakah). When we do Chesed, Hashem gives Chesed to us too, and gives chayus to us and the world! If someone did an aveira, he is missing that chayus! He needs to do Teshuvah. Teshuvah reaches a part of the neshama that makes him deserve a chayus that is so strong it can even make up for chayus that was missing from an aveira! To bring the chayus INTO the world, we need to do Tzedakah in a way that is MUCH MORE than normal (giving EXTRA!), so we can bring this extra-special chayus. After the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed, we ALL are missing chayus! That’s why the Chachomim say that Moshiach will only come through Tzedakah. What kind of Tzedakah? Only this EXTRA kind of tzedakah, MUCH MORE than the regular amount the Torah tells us we need to give. In fact, the Chachomim say that Moshiach won’t come until we give SO much Tzedakah that we have no more money left! Because only this kind of tzedakah has the koach to bring down this special chayus and chesed of Hashem to make up for the missing Chayus and bring the Geulah! |
Today we learn the Chabad minhag for putting on a Tallis: 1) Leave the Tallis folded, and put it on your right shoulder. 2) Check the Tzitzis while saying a few pesukim from “Borchi Nafshi.” 3) Take the Tallis off your shoulder and unfold it. 4) Kiss the top of the Tallis (the part that will go by your head) 5) Twirl the Tallis so that it is behind you. 6) Start saying the bracha “Lehisatef Betzitzis” (wrapping yourself in the Tzitzis) and wrap the Tallis around you so that both corners are over the left shoulder when you finish the bracha. |
Today in Sefer Hamitzvos, we learn the same mitzvah (Mitzvas Asei #153) again: How the Beis Din needs to calculate when the months and years of the Jewish calendar should be. We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Bo: הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לָכֶם רֹאשׁ חֳדָשִׁים The details are explained in Mesechta Sanhedrin perek Alef, Mesechta Rosh Hashana and Brachos. |
Perek Gimmel: We learn how the witnesses come to say that they saw the new moon, and the messengers that would go out from Beis Din to let everyone know when Rosh Chodesh is. Perek Daled: We learn why and how the Beis Din would decide that there should be a leap year. Perek Hey: Now the Rambam starts to tells us what the halachos are when there are no Sanhedrin. We don’t decide based on eidim anymore, but we follow a calendar. We learn about the second day of Yom Tov, which we keep nowadays because of a gezeira of the Chachomim. |
This perek teaches us about what kind of person can be trusted if they say they took maaser, so that their food won’t be demai. We also learn about what happens when someone we CAN trust gives demai to another person. |
During Chodesh Elul, we think about our behavior during the year to make sure we are serving Hashem in the best way we can. Today we will learn what happens when we do mivtzoyim in the best way we can! A chossid was once in Yechidus with the Rebbe, and the Rebbe told him: “There is a promise from the Alter Rebbe: When someone does tzedakah begashmius or b’ruchniyus with others (helping them with what they need), his mind and heart become 1,000 times more pure than before! That makes him understand things 1,000 times faster! “I’ve said before, this is not an expression or an exaggeration — it’s literal! “To make sure you don’t get confused, I’m saying it again, very clearly; and you should tell this to other people too: “Someone who does mivtzoyim, which is Ruchnius tzedakah, will have tremendous hatzlacha in his learning. What would take him 1,000 hours to understand, he will understand in one hour! What would take him 500 hours he can now learn in just a half hour! “You can test me with this! Anyone who does Shlichus and mivtzoim properly — as much as he can and the way it’s supposed to be — will have tremendous hatzlacha in learning Torah, Niglah and Chassidus, and in the chinuch of his children, 1,000 times as much as it would usually take — literally!” Sometimes a Mommy or Tatty might think, what can I do to help my little boy learn better in Cheder? How can I help my little girl be nicer to her friends? Here we have a solution from the Rebbe! If we look for ways to help other Yidden, we can find a solution for the chinuch of our children 1,000 times faster than it would take us otherwise! See Chassidim Ein Mishpacha gilyon Reish-Zayin |
The main part of Pesukei Dezimra that the Chachomim originally established starts with Ashrei. Before going to the main part of Pesukei Dezimra, we say a few other things. First we say Mizmor Lesodah. This is kapitel Kuf of Tehillim, and is the song that was sung when bringing a Korban Todah in the Beis Hamikdash. This kapitel even hints to the way the korban was brought: There are 40 words, like the 40 loaves that were brought together with the Korban Todah, and it has Hashem’s name in it 4 times, hinting to the 4 kinds of people who bring the Korban Todah to thank Hashem for nissim that happen to them. The Chachomim tell us that there are really nissim happening to us every day! We don’t see them because many times, Hashem hides them from us. We thank Hashem for these hidden nissim every day by saying Mizmor Lesodah at the beginning of Pesukei Dezimra. We don’t say Mizmor Lesodah on Shabbos or Yom Tov, Erev Pesach or Erev Yom Kippur, or Chol Hamoed Pesach. That is because these are all days when a person was not allowed to bring the Korban Todah in the Beis Hamikdash. In the Midrash it says that when Moshiach comes, all songs will become unimportant — except for Mizmor Lesodah, this song of thanks to Hashem! |
When we have many foods in front of us to eat, what do we make a bracha on first? Even if we know which brachos to say on each food, it is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar (a mitzvah done in the best way) to say the brachos in the right order. Here is the general order of brachos: 1) Mezonos (There is a siman to remember this order: Maga Aish, “touch fire” — Mezonos, Gafen, Eitz, Adamah, SHehakol.) For example, if we have foods that are Shehakol, Hagafen, and Ha’adamah, we will first say Hagafen, then Ha’adamah, and then Shehakol. Then, we will need to look at all of the foods with the same bracha, and figure out which of them we should say the bracha on, which will include the other foods with the same bracha. We will IY”H learn more about this tomorrow. See Seder Birchos Hanehenin perek Yud |
לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
The Navi Micha teaches us wonderful things that will happen at the end of the Golus! The Navi tells us these things as if they already happened, because in his nevuah he was already able to see that it happened this way! עָלָה הַפֹּרֵץ לִפְנֵיהֶם פָּרְצוּ וַיַּעֲבֹרוּ שַׁעַר וַיֵּצְאוּ בוֹ וַיַּעֲבֹר מַלְכָּם לִפְנֵיהֶם וַה׳ בְּרֹאשָׁם Ala Haporetz Lifneihem — The Poreitz (the person who breaks through things to make the way easier) went up before them! Some meforshim say that this is talking about Eliyahu Hanavi who helps the Yidden do teshuvah, and the Medrash says that it is talking about Moshiach, who comes from the family of Peretz! Partzu Vayaavoru Shaar Vayeitzu Vo — They broke through a gate and went out through it! They broke through anything that was stopping the Geulah from coming! Vayaavor Malkam Lifneihem — And their King Moshiach went in front of them! VaHashem Berosham — And Hashem was before them! The Shechinah of Hashem again rested with the Yidden in the Beis Hamikdash! Based on this posuk, where Moshiach is called “Poreitz,” the Rebbe said that we need to prepare for Moshiach in a way of Poreitz — Ufaratzta! We need to learn Torah and do mitzvos in a way of “Ufaratzta,” breaking through all of the regular ways of doing things! We need to learn Torah without limits, not looking at the clock, and to look for more times to learn than we think we can. We should also give tzedakah without an amount, like we learned in today’s Tanya! This was all part of the famous campaign the Rebbe began in Tof-Shin-Yud-Ches, that all parts of Yiddishkeit, especially SPREADING Yiddishkeit, should be done in a way of Ufaratzta, which breaks all boundaries! See Micha perek Beis posuk Yud-Gimmel, Likutei Sichos chelek Alef Parshas Terumah |
לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
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