
<<First Name>>

It has taken me a while to write this. In fact, it is a month ago that we were patrolling all day and night, trying to not panic at the sound of explosions and gunshots, checking in on friends and family, queuing for hours and hours to buy...nothing. Our shelves were empty, our mall decimated, our community tired. We were like the walking dead, scavenging for a loaf of bread, swapping sugar for toilet rolls, milk for eggs. However, we were NOT defeated. We rallied and we protected what remained. We collected food for those left without. We helped shops bring in trucks, and restock shelves. We were one. It took us a long time, and a hard lesson, to learn the power of Community, of Ubuntu.

Meanings of Ubuntu

One meaning of Ubuntu is correct behavior, but correct in this sense is defined by a person's relations with other people. Ubuntu refers to behaving well towards others or acting in ways that benefit the community. Such acts could be as simple as helping a stranger in need, or much more complex ways of relating with others. A person who behaves in these ways has ubuntu. He or she is a full person.

For some, Ubuntu is something akin to a soul force—an actual metaphysical connection shared between people and which helps us connect to each other. Ubuntu will push one toward selfless acts

During this horrific week, my brother, sister-in-law and her daughter painted a mural on their house to thank their community for keeping them safe. The image quickly became viral and was seen on posts, on posters, on profiles and almost everywhere on social media. Candice and Brendan have been interviewed several times and have appeared in a few local newspapers. 

We then had an idea to use the image to raise much needed funds for our Community Policing Forums (who work hand-in-hand with the police to protect and serve their communities). We teamed up with a local printing business and the Community Buff Project was born. To date we have raised over R10 000 but our goal is to sell all the buffs and to raise in total R20 000. We will then hand over R10 000 to the Kloof CPF and R10 000 to the Malvern CPF. We have had the go ahead and approval of both of these Forums to raise funds on their behalf.

Be Inspired funded the costs of th 400 buffs, and are covering the admin and bank fees. Not a cent will be taken. R50 form each buff and sticker set will go to the CPF fund, and then the balance, a smaller percentage, will go to the artists - whose art is their livelihood.

There are still over 160 buffs available. Please consider purchasing one for yourself, and one for a friend or neighbour. We would like to hand the funds over before the end of August, as it is our feeling that this is not over yet. To those who have already bought, we thank you. Please share with your friends and family. Together we can make a difference and so many of you asked how you can help - this is how.
Help Us Help Each Other
Everyone who buys a buff this week will be entered into a draw to win a customised A2 canvas by Uno Bear - he will create anything on the canvas in consultation with you. You can check out his work on instagram @uno_bear
Thank you, I will follow this plea with a proper newsletter before the end of next week seeing as I missed July, I refuse to miss August!

Much love, stay safe,
Chantal xxx and the team
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