The Valley Patriot 

Making the 6th District Great Again! 
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Dear Friends and Fellow Republicans

Progressive Settled Science – Keeping Us Away From Progress

Most of what you hear from the radical leftists, when we try to question anything such as global warming or mask effectiveness is “this is settled science there is nothing you can do to change that”.  Don't question the truth!  Or so we're told.  

I’d like to take a few minutes to discuss things that the progressives used to call “settled science”.  Let’s start with eugenics.  Eugenics was a mainstream movement that started in the 1880’s, by a cousin of Charles Darwin.  It was normalized in the early 1900’s by the progressive movement, under the guise that a “progressive quest for health babies” was a good thing.  Many people at the time questioned the concept of eugeinics.  Yet famed scientist Paul Barry dismissed the skeptics because they weren’t scientists and the concept of eugenics was “settled science”.   Settled science led to the sterilization of thousands of African Americans and other “undesirables”.

Now let us go to lobotomies.  For those of you who never watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – a lobotomy is where a “doctor” drilled holes into people’s heads, and destroyed the frontal lobes of a person’s brain.  The first lobotomy was performed by Egas Moniz in Portugal in the 1930’s.  Moniz was given a Nobel Prize in 1949.  The New York Times praised the work of Mr. Moniz and Walter Freeman, saying that lobotomists are helping us “to look with less awe at the brain – which is just a big organ… no more sacred than the liver.  Lobotomies were also called “settled science” by the medical industry.  Mr. Freeman (sorry but I refuse to call these people doctors) performed thousands of lobotomies until 1967, when one of his patients died of a cerebral hemorrhage.  One famous patient of Mr. Freeman was Rosemary Kennedy.  She was so severely disabled from Mr. Freeman’s dismantling of her brain that she needed care for the rest of her life. 

Pretty much every person now would call lobotomies cruel.  Yet at the time lobotomies were “settled science” and to disagree with the powers that be at the time was heresy.  Henry Marsh, a leading British neurosurgeon called lobotomies bad science, saying that “It (lobotomies) reflected very bad medicine, bad science, because it was clear the patients who were subjected to this procedure were never followed up properly.  If you saw the patient after the operation they’d seem alright, they’d walk and talk and say ‘thank you doctor’.  The fact they were totally ruined as social human beings probably didn’t count”.

Now we are told that everything from “climate change” to criticizing Dr. Fauci is an attack on science.  People who criticize Dr. Fauci are often berated in the mainstream media and by legions of scientists.   As most of you are aware, I am not a scientist.   But what gives us true progress throughout history is people who question the norm, people who wonder if something can be done better.  So when someone says  to you “this is settled science” know that they likely have a financial interest or personal/political interest involved.  They certainly don't have your best interests involved.  

We have a 1st Amendment right and a responsibility to future generations to question how things are done.  When someone such as Senator Rand Paul questions Dr. Fauci, he has that right and a responsibility to the taxpayers to do this.  When I and others question global warming as a made myth (remember that we’ve had “climate change” every year  since the creation of time) and that there is little we can do to change the sun and the atmosphere, we have a right to do this.  We have a right and a patriotic duty to question our government.  Patriotism means love of country, not love of government or love of a science.  

Thank you for allowing me to serve you as your Chair.  Together we will take back Virginia

I remain

your servant


S John Massoud
6th District Republican Party Chairman
Upcoming Events:


August 2-5 - Warren County Fair - Warren County Fairgrounds - Team GOP needs your help at the fair booth.  

August 3 - Botetourt GOP Women's Meeting.  Bellacino's Pizza.  Start time is 630 PM

August 6 - First Friday's 11 am start time. Guest Speaker is Congressman Ben Cline.  

August 6, 7 - the 5th Congressional District will be holding their 1st annual "Muster".  It's a training weekend to help take back Virginia.  Please contact me for information, but the Muster will be held at the Liberty University - more details to follow!  Tickets are $80 per person and $150 per couple.  Email or call me for more information.  SEE YOU THERE!!!

August 7 - Glenn Youngkin will be in Lexington Va from 1-2 PM at the Salerno Wood Fired Pizza House.  115 Jefferson Street.  RSVP to Charles Ferry at

August 10.  Botetourt County GOP Meeting.  7 PM. Town Hall Building Troutville.  

August 13 - Fundraiser for Josh Stephens - District 1 Supervisor in Shenandoah County.   9 00 Start time, Bryce Resort - Fairway Drive.  Golf Tournament.  $75 per golfer or $300 per 4 person team.   Sponsorships also available.  Contact for more information.  

August 14 - Charlie Nave Fundraiser - 5th District Congressman Bob Good will be the guest speaker.  7 PM - The Barn at 1763 Woods Road in Bedford.  Directions are a bit tricky, so email me for more information.  Tickets are $75.00 - there are sponsorships available.  (I'll be a $250.00 level sponsor)

August 16-21,2021 Rockingham County Fair, 4808 S Valley Pike (Rt 11), Harrisonburg

August 17 - Rockbridge/Lexington/Buena Vista Meeting - details to follow.  

Thursday August 26 - Fundraiser for Glenn Youngkin for Governor.  6 30 to 8 PM.  1222 Old Abert Road, Lynchburg Va.  Tickets are $250.00 Sponsorships are available.  Please contact Caitlyn Collins with your RSVP to Caitlyn Collins at 570 713 9781 or to learn more about sponsorships.  

August 26-28 - Rockbridge Regional Fair in Glasgow.  

September 6 - Buena Vista 50th Annual Labor Day Parade.  GOP Breakfast starts at 7 AM.  Invited guest are Congressman Ben Cline, Delegate Ronnie Campbell, Glenn Youngkin, Winsome Sears, Jason Miyares, your local candidates - SEE YOU THERE!!!  

September 17 - Early Voting begins.  

September 30, 2021 5:30 - 7PM Rockingham County and Harrisonburg Lincoln Reagan Evening
Reception at 5:30 and the program will begin at 6PM. The event will be held at Brix and Columns Vineyards, 1505 Dave Berry Road, McGaheysville, VA. The featured speaker will be former Virginia state senator Stephen Martin (Chesterfield).  Tickets are $25.00
Copyright © 2021 John Massoud 6th District Chair, All rights reserved.

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