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Welcome to the August MAPS supporters newsletter

With the start of the new school term approaching, this month we’ve been thinking about what support our young people might need as they return to school or college, particularly those who are making the leap from primary to secondary school. We know that this transition can be challenging for many, but especially this year as secondary schools have been unable to hold their usual induction days.
For our mentoring pairs, now might be a good time to talk about the new term and discuss any worries young people might have.

It might also be a good idea to think about what is different about secondary school and what to expect, what they might be looking forward to, and how to make the first few weeks go smoothly.
Here are some conversation starters:
  • What will you miss most about your old school?
  • What is the scariest thing about your new school?
  • What is the best thing about your new school?
  • How will you travel to and from school? Can you practice the journey?
  • Are there some clubs and sports at your new school that you might like to try?

A-level, BTEc and GCSE results

Some of our young people have been going through results days this month. Even when someone's got the results they needed, or have done better than expected, it can still be difficult to decide what they want to do next. Talking through the options, making a list of pros and cons, can help. If they are disappointed with their results, here are some suggestions of ways to start moving on and feeling better:
  • Encourage them to talk about how they're feeling
  • Do something together that will help boost their mood and take their mind off the situation
  • Remind them of other things that went well, whether its how they managed their coursework or revision, or it might be something not related to school work at all
  • Help them think about who else they could ask for advice such as teachers or careers advisors

Safeguarding training - refresher course for current mentors

If it has been more than 3 years since your last safeguarding training, then you will need refresher training.

We will be running a session (on Zoom) at 1pm on Saturday 11th September. Please email to book in to this session, which will last 1hr.

Calling all MAPS Mentors! SAVE THE DATE

We are hosting a social for all our current mentors in September and you will shortly receive an invite from your co-ordinator. We hope that lots of you can make it and we're really excited to be able to gather together face to face for some drinks and nibbles!

Recruiting now for MAPS volunteer advocates

Our Advocacy team is now recruiting for Volunteer Advocates. Advocates are independent adults who support looked after children, care leavers and children on a child protection plan, helping them have their opinions and views heard by the people that make decisions about them, so that they are fully involved in decisions about their lives.

All meetings attended by Volunteer Advocates take place during the day, usually during school hours. We work with children when they may be feeling anxious, scared and vulnerable and we share their views with professionals and parents at formal meetings such as child protection conferences. The children's charity Coram have produced this very helpful short film (below) which explains more about child protection conferences.

We will be holding training on Thursday 16th September 9.30am - 4.30pm. If you would like to apply for this role, please get in touch via email to book an informal interview and book on the training.

Our next round of training will be in January 2022. If you would like to register an expression of interest in training as a volunteer MAPS Mentor, please email

If you know anyone else who might be interested please pass this information on to them. 

We are particularly keen to recruit more male volunteers, for balance amongst our mentor numbers, but, as always, we'd be delighted to hear from anyone who is interested in becoming a mentor.
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Meet the MAPS team

Here is the MAPS team of co-ordinators at our recent away-day planning meeting. 

From L to R: Kim, Diana, Louise, Hayley, Natalie and Tina.

Sadly Rosemarie Dalton has now left MAPS. If you have any queries please contact the MAPS Mentoring Manager Louise Storey
Thanks for reading!

The MAPS team
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