
WORKSHOP 03: Imagining Football Futures

Join us as we watch our Free Safety and Halfback join the team! The next practice of the series will take place from 10am to 1pm central time when we also will be hosting our fourth workshop and drafting a Quarterback and Outside Linebacker! Watch the live stream on YouTube and use the chat to cheer and encourage the players as they learn how to work and play together.

Watch The Live Stream Here

Meet the Team:

Free Safety

The free safety is the deepest player of the defense. Fluid and adaptable, he gets genuine joy out of running fast and subverting plays by the offense. Though not always visible, his contributions to the team make their work feel effortless. His respectful sensitivity helps the team find cohesion however when pushed too hard by those who don't share his values of respect and empathy, he can melt down and lose his temper.


The half back is a player who’s energy and keen ability to triangulate the position of the ball leads them to often progress the game down the field. With so much influence, they are highly expressive and demanding of attention. Entertaining to watch, they are performative in the manner that they play, switching between hero and villain and heightening the sense of drama within the game.

Strong Safety

The strong safety is one of the last lines of defense against an offensive play. She can think of herself as “smarter” and “better” than her teammates based on her judgement of the shortcomings that lead to her needing to take action against a breakthrough offensive player. As a result, she finds herself very concerned with the actions and reactions of her teammates and tends to take the game very personally, often taking offense and holding grudges against her own teammates.


The fullback is a smack talking player who is able to command attention through their charisma, speed, and physical authority over others. Either through running with the ball themselves, or protecting their teammate’s possession by tossing defensive players out of the way, the fullback is like a big unwavering obstacle when they want something. Somewhat self absorbed, their commitment to the game falls second to their commitment to their own wellbeing including their physical safety, self confidence, or admiration of others.

Middle Linebacker

The Middle Linebacker is positioned in the center of the defense, a commanding leader of the defensive strategy. They approach this responsibility with a great reverence for thoughtful logical planning but can also be seen as somewhat superstitious, starting each game with the same rituals and trusting predetermined game strategy above all else. Generally professional and level headed, this player is known to lose their temper when their defensive strategy fails. Their belief in authority and disdain for gut impulses and improvisation can make them a difficult leader for all the defensive players to follow.


The Center is the player who initiates gameplay by snapping the ball back from the line of scrimmage. They carry this responsibility through their belief in maintaining a positive attitude, respectful demeanor, and professionalism. An elegant player, the Center generally uplifts the gameplay with their joyful quick decision making and happy go lucky attitude. The center is in the game for the pleasure- however, when met with a difficult circumstance or unfriendly teammates this player is likely to quit the game in lieu of other pleasurable activities that demand less responsibility.

Know someone who would be interested in participating in football practice? Follow us on Instagram and stay tuned for our upcoming public workshops!

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Football Practice is a workshop series and software simulation that explores the speculative possibilities of a future football. This project is being developed as part of the High Concept Labs Residency in Chicago and the Odyssey Works Experience Design Incubator. Stay Tuned for more information about additional partnerships with future workshop hosts!

Copyright (C) 2021 Kristin McWharter. All rights reserved.

Development Team:
Head Coaching by Kristin McWharter, AI Consulting by Alm Chung, Illustration by Anna Strain, #D Modelling by Sara Drake, Sound Design by Jackie Turpin, Studio Assistance by Iris Luo

Special Thanks to our Supporters:
High Concept Labs, Chicago Artist Coalition, Odyssey Works Experience Design Incubator, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, & the SAIC Art & Technology Studies Department

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