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Well, here is a belated report from the west coast as we were out of signal yesterday, after day 3 at Arisaig. 28 Moravians are taking part in Lochaber 2021 and the first day for most Moravians was also our working day. It seemed to go really well and Andrew and Nikki seemed happy with our efforts. After 14 hours of hanging controls, spread over three days, Eddie also seemed happy with the results. His first leg of around 2km on many courses provided some talking points! He would like to thank everyone for making it a successful day. Paul did a great job with the computing and downloads ran very smoothly. Roo spent many a long and exhausting hour checking the controls. All in all it was a great team effort.

As for the results they were very varied!! Finlay and Kate had the standout performances being 1st on the M14A and W14A. Rob Parkinson had an excellent 2nd place on M65L. Douglas came in 3rd on the M80 course. Eddie and Elizabeth and Paul ran on day 1 as a replacement for Day 3. Eddie won the M65L class and Elizabeth won the W65S class. 

Club Kit
I have had a few requests for Moravian club kit over the last few days. I still have some club running tops in stock which may fulfil some requests but I have also had requests for running jackets. If you would like to request any club kit from Bryzos, please can you reply to this email and let me know?

I’m sorry this is a short newsletter. It should be back to normal next week.



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