
I know that summer is long gone when I look at fireweed here in Alaska.

Alaskans say that when the purplish flowers reach the top of the plant, it’s a sign that summer is coming to an end. Well, that time has come and gone, and now the flowers are wispy white tufts, like smoke, and the once-green leaves are a fiery red. Now Fall is feeling like Winter.

Time is moving too quickly.

It is already October. Can you believe it?

I’m still hosting “The Ellementa Show,” a video podcast that tapes live on Sundays at 12pm PT/3pm ET for an hour. I talk about alternative paths to wellness, mostly focused on women’s health, plant medicine, and topics we just don’t talk enough about - like grief. And Death.

I hope you’ll join me this weekend for an important conversation about that thing we all experience, no matter who we are. Dying is inevitable. So how do you make it less frightening and less stressful, not only for yourself but for your loved ones, too.

I’ll share some of the personal lessons I learned as my dad was dying and how different my mom’s death was because of what I learned.

This will be a hard conversation, for sure, but a necessary one. Bring tissues, and join me:

Sunday, Oct 3 at 12pm PT/3pm ET
Compassionate End of Life Preparation and Care

Whether you're caring for an aging parent or loved one, or you're passing that middle point of life and realizing you're unprepared, this episode of "The Ellementa Show" is for you. Meet Francesca Arnoldy, a birth and death doula, who will speak candidly about dying and death. Learn how she got into working as a death doula after being a birth doula. She will share her philosophies on death and the dying process and explain the process of "death preparedness."

Check out upcoming topics for “The Ellementa Show” and sign up for any of them for free. By signing up, you aren’t obligated to attend, and you will get the recording of the show a few days afterward (also free). Note that by signing up, you’ll be added to the Ellementa list and receive reminders of our shows and special offers from wellness brands - but you can unsub any time.

By the way, I wouldn’t mind it if you hit reply and said hi. Let me know what you’re up to. Ask me anything. I’m here.

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