In this issue: Dave is compelled to issue warnings...
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Beware of Dog!

Most dogs are short enough that you are taller than they are, and so it is possible for you to make them back down.  If you're afraid of dogs, that won't work, because they can tell, and they'll use your fear against you.  If they aren't dogs, but authority figures, the height difference only matters figuratively, as a comparison of status.  A compounding factor is that they can use language to increase your fear, but then a mitigating factor is that they don't pay enough attention to you to see and exploit your fear.

There have been many predictions of great misery coming to people for various reasons, such as cryptocurrency investing, getting the flu, leaving politicians to do what they want, and ignoring the mainstream media.  They can get pretty scary if you believe them.  Believing a prediction is a pretty bad idea.  Planning to deal with it if it happens to come true is a pretty good idea, but you can waste a lot of time planning for things that never happen.  I like to watch for precursors.  My vigilance for precursors has a pretty good track record of getting me off a cryptocurrency exchange before it implodes.  I do all of those things I mentioned, so there are predictions of great misery coming to me.

What is my vigilance telling me now?  It's telling me that the globalists are getting ever more desperate to convince people to be afraid.  Fearful people are easier to control.  This explains all those predictions too.

Own the dog!

Once you own a dog for a while, it's very difficult to be afraid of it.  What is the dog in this case?  It's your mind, and your working assumptions about reality.  All of the things I mentioned above are only affecting you by first getting into your mind.  There are some specific subjects I recommend that you explore, but before you dive in, recognize how predictions can trick you into diminishing yourself, your confidence, and your joy, and use the doubt I talked about in my last newsletter to defeat their effects.  I think this first step will strengthen your mind and make it that much easier to explore the following important subjects...

Anyone who has been vaccinated against the freshly-branded flu may hear predictions about negative effects.  I haven't taken a flu shot (not the old kind, and not the new kind), but I still like the idea of getting some pine needle tea.  I've mentioned before that I'm on Telegram and I get all kinds of great information to explore (criticize, doubt, learn!), and one of the helpful issues is health.  Most of us are deficient in magnesium, vitamin D, and some amino acids.  This makes us more susceptible to the flu, other illnesses, disease, and even the B.S. so often spouted by the mainstream media.  You can do your own research to see if this avenue for exploration will benefit you.

I am taking the "Candles in the Dark" video course offered at by Larken and Amanda Rose.  It's great so far.  My favorite part is Larken's point that none of us will ever change someone else's mind.  Each mind changes only when it's owner changes it.  If we'd like to see someone else's mind change, the best we can do is provide them with opportunities to explore the things that might show them a more attractive way to see things.  I would like more people to take the course, so if you're interested, let me know so I can consider helping you pay for it.



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