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The Early Morning Centre - UnitingCare Canberra City

As we write this newsletter, the EMC and its staff, volunteers and guests are once again managing a lockdown in Canberra. As with the 2020 lockdown, the EMC is still open in a safe and modified form. Takeaway breakfasts are being provided and other food is also takeaway only and is served at the door. Access to essential services such as showers is limited to one person at a time. Face masks are mandatory to enter the centre and there is a supply of face masks for guests.

Seven days a week

EMC weekend opening official launch event

Yes, the EMC is now open seven days a week. The weekend hours are Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 1pm and food is available. The official opening ceremony was held on Saturday 31 July though the first weekend of new operations was actually two weeks earlier. Guests and supporters were welcomed to the official launch event which was well attended. Rebecca Vassarotti MLA, ACT Minister for Homelessness and Housing Services, unveiled our new weekend opening sign. Special guests included Alicia Payne MP, Federal Member for Canberra, and Mark Parton MLA, ACT Member for Brindabella. Many of our sponsors were also represented. This was a very happy occasion which finished with music from some of our very talented guests, helped by the generous donations of guitars from Soldier On.

To allow for social distancing the event was held in Riley Hall at the rear of the EMC. On one wall of the hall were displayed all the logos of our various sponsors and service providers - more than 30 of them.

The EMC feels truly supported by the community in which it is based.

EMC guests playing music at the weekend opening official launch

Lunch during lockdown

Massive thanks to Garry, Krishna and the team at Canberra Club House for the delicious donation of food for our guests. They will be donating containers of food for lunch regularly during the lockdown.

We are so grateful for your support!

Winter warmers

Winter warmers - donations of warm winter clothes

Every winter our guests are warmed by hand knitted beanies and scarves created by knitters from all over Canberra: Tuggeranong Uniting Church, Kangara Waters Retirement Village, Phoenix Knitters and John Jansen as well as others who prefer to remain anonymous. It’s always great to see the variety of colours and styles available. The knitters obviously have as much pleasure from creating them as our guests have from wearing them.

As well we have received donations of warm clothing from Saara Holidays, Ngunnawal Street Pantries and Helping ACT. Mobilise, a national charity providing assistance for those experiencing homelessness, has also visited the EMC with warm clothes including jumpers, coats and socks.

We received a strong response to our End of Financial Year appeal and will shortly be announcing the lucky recipients of the quilt and goodies basket.

Pets in the Park

Pets in the Park vet clinic

Pets in the Park continues to be very popular - even in winter when the plaza is cold and windy. The volunteers in July had fun attending to 16 dogs and 7 cats, including a small puppy and a kitten.

Unfortunately the August Pets in the Park had to be cancelled because of lockdown but we are looking forward to this service starting again as soon as restrictions are lifted.

Pets are important companions for many of our guests, especially during times of difficulty and uncertainty as in the last 18 months. We know many in Canberra share these feelings of anxiety. We remain thankful for our outstanding staff led by Nicole and Cherie, and our many volunteers.

Of course we are also thankful for our Friends of the EMC and the ongoing support we receive from so many people.

Please stay safe and keep others safe.

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