Designing Justice + Designing Spaces
Grand River @ 14th Mailing List

Designing Justice + Designing Spaces (DJDS) is an architecture and real estate development non-profit working to end mass incarceration. We build the infrastructure that addresses the root causes of mass incarceration: poverty, racism, unequal access to resources, and the criminal justice system itself. Our projects include peacemaking centers, mobile resource centers, and housing for people coming out of incarceration.

Grand River @ 14th is a development owned and led by DJDS, located in Detroit at West Grand River Avenue and 14th Street. Our long-term vision is to build a social justice campus — an economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable community center.

The concept for Grand River @ 14th emerged from four four years of engagement with justice-based organizations and neighborhood stakeholders, and our community engagement process continues to inform our “Pop-Up-to-Permanent” strategy as well as our real estate development.

To stay informed about this project’s updates and upcoming events in the community space, please fill out the information below.

We look forward to connecting with you.

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