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Good afternoon, I am sure that not one of you was surprised by yesterday's announcement of the continuation of Alert Level 4. This means we need to continue to be vigilant and follow the rules of operating at Level 4.  We have had a number of members have visits from the police to ensure they are operating within the rules (which of course they are).  We are also asking questions about what a Level 4/Level 3 split in lockdown levels might mean for you.  Read on, and keep asking questions if there is anything you are unsure of.

The extension of lockdown for those outside of Auckland now makes everyone eligible for the Resurgence Support Payment as well as the wage subsidy.  The criteria is a drop in revenue of 30% in a 7 day period of the raised Alert level compared against a regular 7 day period that starts and ends in the six weeks prior to the increased alert level. 
Note: It is important that the drop in revenue relates directly to the increased alert level.

The payment provides you with $1500, plus $400 per FTE (up to a maximum of 50 FTEs) making a total possible payment of $21,500.  Staff up to 20 hours per week are considered part time and staff working 20+ hours are counted as full time.  The application form will calculate the amount payable. This payment is targeted at helping businesses with rent and other fixed costs during the higher alert level.
Click here to begin your application.  You need to log in to MyIR and select Resurgence Support Payment.  You can get this payment in addition to the wage subsidy.

And remember, as with the wage subsidy, to keep a record of your calculations so you can provide this if asked.

Just a reminder that these are the two golden rules of operating at Level 4.  We have had a number of members visited by the Police/Worksafe and they will be checking on this.  Working safely means have your Safety Protocols in place including restricted access to the premises, facilities to check in, maintenance of physical distancing, wearing of masks where required, hygiene protocols and non-contact drop off/pick up protocols as a bare minimum.

Your ability to operate at Level 4 is covered by the Public Health Response Order (No. 9) which was signed on 17 August when we went into lockdown.   You can access a copy by clicking here.  The relevant part of the Order is Schedule 2, and most of you will fall under Category 29, which you then need to link to one of the other categories of Level 4 for example if you are providing products to supermarkets you would be Category 29 allowing Category 1 to operate.
With reference to Category 9 (essential non-food consumer products via online delivery), you can click here and scroll down to find out what is and is not included in this category.

To date we have only faced the issue of moving goods between Level 3 and Level 2/1 regions but we are almost certainly about to see areas remain in Level 4 while others move to Level 3 or lower.  This is going to create potential problems as non-essential businesses are able to open up in Level 3, but they rely on businesses in Level 4 for some of their supply chain.  

This dilemma and its potential problems were raised with a number of Government departments yesterday and we have had confirmation that this has now been included in their respective Minister briefings today for consideration.  Ideally we would like to see a clarification/a solution prior to any split in alert levels occurring.  We will keep you posted as this will undoubtedly affect many of you. If you foresee any particular issues from either side of the equation can you please let me know so that we can include this in our feedback to Government.

Stay safe.

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