
Physicians Against the Trafficking of Humans (PATH) works to educate healthcare providers on the issue of human trafficking. Research has shown that anywhere from 60-88% of human trafficking victims report accessing healthcare services while still under the control of their trafficker, and thus healthcare providers offer a unique oportunity to provide support and services to this population. In 2020, we transitioned the Learn to Identify & Fight Trafficking (LIFT) curriculum to a virtual format and have educated over 250 providers in 3 events, with plans to host 7 more before the end of the calendar year.

For the Summer months, our student group has organized a Virtual Raffle with a number of prizes including personalized Medelita scrubs, a Littmann stethoscope, gift cards to Starbucks, Figs & Chipotle, and more! The drawing for the raffle will take place on July 30th, with a virtual auction to follow at a later date. Buy your tickets and support the work that AMWA-PATH is doing HERE.

Additional information about AMWA-PATH & the LIFT training can be found on our website. You can also subscribe to the monthly newsletter in order to be notified about upcoming events and the work that AMWA-PATH is doing, or donate on our website.

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