Welcome Class of 2025! International students make up ten percent of this year’s incoming first-year class, representing an increase in international enrollment from last year. Source: Office of the University Registrar
Please welcome our new Program Coordinator, Hal Matthews! In his role, he manages Duke's international partnerships and handles the memorandum-of-understanding (MOU) process. Hal also conducts institutional research to identify potential global partners and determine future areas of growth. Glad to have you aboard, Hal!
Ever used Duke's "Travel Concierge" service? The Office of Global Administrative and Travel Support plays a major role in assisting the Duke community with on-site work or research in other countries.
When the pandemic made getting to China impossible for students from outside the country for fall semester 2020, dozens of Duke Kunshan students took up an offer from Duke to study in Durham instead.



IIE Emergency Assistance Fund
Up to five current students from Afghanistan and Haiti can be nominated to receive one-time grants of between $2,000 and $5,000. Funds can be used to cover the students’ educational, living, or health related expenses. Application deadline is Wednesday, September 1.  Learn more.

Expansion of Interview Waiver Eligibility
The U.S. State Department has temporarily expanded the ability of consular officers to waive the in-person interview requirement for individuals applying for a nonimmigrant visa in the same classification. The expiration period is temporarily extended to 48 months. This policy is in effect until December 31, 2021.  Learn more.


Join Duke Alumni Engagement and Development as Duke Brazil presents Regenerative Superfoods & the Amazon Bio-Economy with speaker Derek Gallo, AB'98, CEO Awi Superfoods. Register for the event
Duke Global Baton
421 Chapel Drive
Box 90035
Durham, NC 27708
Phone: (919) 684-0682

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