August 25, 2021
God Still ACTS in Washington and Beyond!
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#GrowingLeaders Blog by Doug Bing

When Good Things Distract

Ever get distracted? It seems easy at times, doesn’t it? There are so many things that can distract us in this day and age.

Social media certainly seems to sap people’s time. Social media arguments and discussions can be the worst when it comes to taking our time.

Some people have hobbies that take over their lives. Others have family drama that can take every waking moment to deal with. Sometimes the things that take over our lives are actually good things and even necessary things. But in the end, they take over our lives. There are in our world infinite distractions.

In the Bible there is a great story about good things that distract...
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Let's Chat about Ministry

Our ministry team loves talking with you, praying with you, and brainstorming about ministry opportunities. Drop us an email. Give us a call. Arrange for a virtual or in-person appointment.
Connect with a Leader
Washington Conference leaders will be at Puyallup Adventist Church
for their long-awaited grand opening this Sabbath!

Prayers for the First Day of School

You know how parents take first day of school photos often by the school sign? Well, that's what pastors from churches who support Buena Vista Seventh-day Adventist School did this morning, too!

Throughout the morning, the pastors greeted incoming students, prayed with the staff, and visited classrooms.

Will you join in praying for our Adventist schools in this new school year? Follow the #AdventistEducation story on 7 Advantages and let schools know with post reactions and comments that you are supporting them in prayer. It makes a world of difference in encouraging our educators, scholars and families.
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Learn how to Re-Think Mission &
Dvelip as a Leader

DVELiP is here! This is the very first holistic leadership program aimed at equipping and resourcing Pacific Islanders/Indigenous communities to become effective in whatever community they serve.

Leaders of any ethnicity are welcome to join in this leadership training from August 29-31 at Auburn Adventist Academy Church.

Event organizers from The Two Percent Ministry say: "We have a line up of speakers, musicians, and professionals that will motivate and inspire you to realize and utilize your gifts!"

Virtual & In-Person Training
Registration is Open
Learn More about DVELiP

Motorfest in Puyallup
This Sunday

Car & Bike Owners: Display your American muscle, import, domestic, street bike and cruiser at the 14th annual Puyallup Motorfest on August 29 from 9 am to 2 pm. Entry Fee: $10 per entry (cash only). Registration starts at 9 am.

Spectators: Come view a tremendous collection of cars and bikes. Food, raffle prizes, activities for kids and more. Spectator fee: FREE!

Location: Northwest Christian School / Puyallup Adventist Church parking lot, 904 Shaw Road in Puyallup.
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If you've ever desired to be involved in community-based ministry but weren't sure what to do....start here!

The virtual Urban Ministries Conference this Sept. 16-18 will help you discover how to better engage with your community!
Here’s the bottom line: This is the best $30* you’ll spend for ministry inspiration and training whether you function in a urban, suburban or rural environment.
Seriously: $30* for a three day virtual conference. Pastors, leaders, volunteers, board members, young adults, and interested individuals are all welcome to attend.
There's a couple dozen workshops to choose from including cultural intelligence, fundraising, leadership development, thrift store management, grief ministry, health outreach, and children's ministry.
Come find your Crosswalk in the City! Attend as an individual, as a group of friends, or as a church team!

(Pssst: Want a $20 discount? Email Mimi Weithers-Bruce to ask for Washington's promo code)
Discover Full Details & Register Now!

Watch Mission: Maranatha Stories

On September 18 at 2 pm Pacific, watch Maranatha’s annual convention event, Mission: Maranatha, straight from your living room. This two-hour broadcast special will feature volunteer testimonies, stories of the work our crews are doing in the mission field, and ways that you can stay involved in the mission.

Our annual gathering inspires and informs all who attend, and we know that you will be blessed to learn how the mission is being moved forward around the world–even through a pandemic–and how you can help.

Ways to Watch

Two Favorite Events Postponed

 Adventurer Family Camp Out (Sept 17-19)
Pathfinder Camporee (Sept 24-26)

Adventists & Vaccinations

The Covid-19 vaccines and their related mandates are raising many questions, especially from a personal religious perspective. Jiří Moskala from the Adventist Theological Seminary shares a reflection of the biblical-theological perspective on vaccines.
Vaccination: A Biblical-Theological Reflection
Another common concern with vaccination: the use of fetal cell lines in testing. An Adventist physician shares the following reading reference. Did you know that medical advances in the last 40 years are being tested on the same growing cell lines?
The Covid Vaccine and the Pro-Life Movement
And finally: The North American Division has an extensive Covid-19 vaccination resource page with articles, video clips, and more.
NAD Covid-19 Resource Page

A Shared Value of Wisdom

What’s the VALUE in Christian education? Values are the foundational blocks upon which a better life is built including successes in education, skills and talents. The 20 schools associated with 7 Advantages of Adventist Education puts values into action in all we do and encourage students to do the same.

At our 20 campuses, our students are taught that God is the source of all true wisdom. We expect students to hear, value, and recognize different sources of wisdom from people of all ages and walks of life. By sharing the stories of wise inspirational followers of Christ, we create opportunities to instill this value.

To find out more for your child or grandchild, friend or neighbor, locate the school nearest you and start a conversation about how you can help nurture the value of wisdom.
20 Locations in Western Washington
We have a high level of vaccination in the State of Washington, and we are still in a pandemic where good health and safety habits are still important.
  • Whatever your vaccination status and over the age of 5, please wear a mask at church.
  • If you are gathered for a small group and everyone in attendance is vaccinated, you do not need to wear a mask.
  • If you visit a school campus or community service center, please wear a mask.
As always, kindness and grace to each other in our interactions goes a long way.
Connect with a Local Church


This week's offering focus:
Washington Youth: Education Focus

Thanks for supporting ministry locally and globally!
Ways to Give
Ways to Connect
Washington ACTS highlights each week the activities of Adventist Education, Coaching Leaders, Totally Involved Members, and Spiritual Growth.

Copyright © 2021 Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, All rights reserved.