

What does it mean 

When we say that we want RVCC to be a church that is Growing Young, that might sound a little off-putting to those of us who aren't so young anymore. We may like the way things are and not understand why anything needs to change. It might feel sometimes like the church is ready to do any cool new thing to attract younger people. That's not actually the goal, but we understand how it can feel that way. The “more mature” in the church, might even wonder if they still have a place and if their voice matters. YES! Growing Young depends on the full participation of the older members of the church. As a matter of fact, this won’t work without you!
Growing Young is about not wanting our church to grow old until it silently fades into the background, but to remain a relevant presence in our communities. It would be far easier and more comfortable to simply do what we’ve always done, but if we want to see every neighborhood in Pierce County engaged by believers so they will be transformed by Jesus, we have to work towards stopping the exodus of young people who grow up in the church then walk away as teens and young adults.
Growing Young is about becoming a church that engages young people in a way that energizes the entire church. It is about building bridges between the younger and older. Growing Young is about creating a space where we value and accept the unique experiences of every generation and where we raise up leaders who will multiply themselves by empowering and walking alongside those who are younger and less experienced. 

This monthly email will be about Growing Young. We'll tell you how we as a church are investing in young people. We'll tell you about individuals from one generation investing in another. And we'll tell you about opportunities to get involved and make a difference in the lives of those who are younger than you. Growing Young has to be a group effort. It will take all of us to let the young people in our church know that we value them and more importantly, that God values them and desires a lifelong relationship.

Action Step for this week: 
Encourage a younger person.

We all know what a difference it makes to feel seen and valued, so this week we’d challenge you to find a way to encourage somebody younger than you. This might be a note, a text, an invitation to do something together, or even a simple hello. You might even be ready to take the leap and get more information this weekend, at Different Maker Sunday, about serving in RVCC’s Kids or Student Ministries. We have an incredible staff investing in our young people, but they can’t do this without the rest of us.

Older Students Serving Younger Students

A perfect example of Growing Young!

In early July, at RVCC Graham, Kids Ministry hosted Very Best Summer VBS for kids in Preschool through 5th grade. While the week was focused on helping younger kids get to know Jesus, there were so many things that had to line up in order for that to work. There were early mornings, trouble shooting on the fly, keeping track of who is where, and our middle school and high school students at RVCC Graham showed up and helped in a huge way to make the week a success. Students were leading small groups, running games, and making sure the display screens were ready to go. These students gave a week of their summer to serve younger kids and I will forever be impressed with them! Shout out to: Anya, Olivia, Khyah, Rex, Rylee, Cobie, Riley, Jayna, Joe, Carter, and Autumn.

- Erika Anderson, Graham Student Ministries Pastor

Difference Maker Sunday

This weekend at RVCC Parkland and RVCC Graham you'll have the opportunity to find out how you Make a Difference at Rainier View. There are lots of behind-the-scenes and up front opportunities in Kids and Student Ministries as well as in Sunday Hospitality, Worship & Tech, Campus Support, and Digital Ministries, so there's a fit for everybody!

Sometimes people are afraid of making a commitment to a role that might not be a good fit. We get that and are more than happy for you to test drive any role before diving in fully. Stop at a table this weekend, talk to our ministry leaders, and find a fit. If you can't make it person this week, keep an eye out for the digital version of this Difference Maker event coming soon.

A week for our students to process, prepare, and have fun!

As we headed towards summer, we could see the toll not just life, but specifically the last year and half had taken on our students. While our hearts broke, we wanted to craft a week that could give students practical tools to follow God while they were in crisis, struggling, surviving, and thriving. We talked with them about the importance of reading their Bible, prayer, community, and serving. While that was what the conversations of the week revolved around, we saw many incredible things happen. Students made new friends, faced fears, and allowed God to break some strongholds. 

Thank you for your continual support of RVCC Students.
This is what we're doing to invest in the next generation of leaders.

Growing Young for 30 Years!
We want to tell you about somebody who embodies the idea of Growing Young. Jo Cooksley has been investing in kids at RVCC Parkland for 30 years. Any child that has been influenced through the years by Jo and her love for Jesus knows her as Church MaMa Jo, a name that originated with the first small group that she led. At the time they did groups with a family theme, and Jo was the MaMa of her group. As a teacher and a parent, now with grown children, Jo’s advice to parents on raising young children into a relationship with Jesus is to be an authentic believer yourself.
Any leader who has served in Kids or Student Ministries will tell you that the relationships are the most rewarding part. Here are some thoughts that one mom shared about Jo...

Thank you, Jo, 
for making a
difference and 
so many young 
lives at RVCC!
"I love Church Mama Jo's enthusiasm when she teaches. You can tell that she loves God AND loves kids. Her ability to connect with kids, be silly and fun, and yet instill biblical truths in a way that impacts our kids is a blessing!! One of the first times I saw Church Mama Jo teach, I noticed that she asked the kids to do things as she taught them - "touch your nose if..., jump up and down if..." It was a revelation. All those squirmy kids were totally engrossed in her lesson because they had something to do with their energy. She made things so fun and relatable. One time she ushered my kiddo out of the elementary door with a smile, telling me that my child wanted to know more about the story of Bathsheba. I appreciate that she left that story up to our discretion to teach. We also appreciate being able to seek her advice when making decisions for our kids."
One of the kids summed up Jo this way, “She is kind and encouraging.” And that's what she'll always remember. We may not all feel equipped to teach in Kids Ministry the way Jo does (though you might be surprised!), but we can all be kind, encouraging, and look for ways to make a difference in the lives of the next generations.
Thank you to everyone who makes a difference in the lives of our kids and students. it matters, to God, the parents, and the church. Our staff are honored to serve alongside you.

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