Who To Listen To?

A Newsletter
Arash Jacob

Afghanistan, lockdowns, mandated vaccines and passports, mandatory masking, oppression, totalitarianism—what is the world coming to?

Indeed a storm appears to brewing around us and is. Nearly everyone, whether you realize it or not is affected by it. Communal consciousness is unavoidable. There is an audible, even palpable buzz in the air of anxiety, nervousness, chaos, and disarray that you may not be able to put your finger on. It is present and very active.

An interesting question: Does that anxiety in the air increase or decrease when the sun goes down and people prepare for rest?

If it decreases, then it’s result of mind—literal communal thinking. Mind’s effort and activities buzz awake, peaks midday, then wanes and calms at night. If you’re inexplicably nervous during the day, especially in the last several weeks, but then calmer at night, then you are experiencing this communal angst that has nearly gripped our whole world and you’re a normal human being. If you observe and can sense this nightly calm, be assured that what is happening is not of the heart or spirit but the communal activity of mind, fear, worry, anger, protest, pushback, and planning—good or bad.

Holy crap. How to respond then? This is where I feel we are at a crossroad different than in the past. Our collective consciousness has now increased and therefore our response can be different. Whatever mind plots, schemes, or plans, it can NEVER account for the response of heart. Mind cannot see past itself, no matter how intelligent it is or what quantum computer is used. Heart will always surprise mind. Therefore, there is no better time to tune in and connect to and talk to the heart chakra—that center space—level to the shoulders, at the center of your chest. Place one or two palms there now and tune in and say hello. Ask, “What should I do?”.

The heart is funny in that your question is not so important, it’s only important that your question is genuine, and from you. If your question is yours, heart will answer. Then, you have only to LISTEN--the easiest part, and the hardest.

The easiest because it takes only practice to listen. The hardest because you’ll be asked to be things or do things you are uncomfortable with.

Once listening, your response to the global mind chaos will become clear. For example, you can ask ‘What should I do?’ and you may hear, “Wait.” You may think to yourself, ‘Wait? What wait? What the hell does that mean? That can’t be right. That can’t be the answer to this worldly chaos. I must do something! Bold action is required here!' Asking again, you may again hear, ’Wait.’ You may become more frustrated.

Note this: Heart answers in a language you most always will not understand. Heart understands deeper and more vastly that I can express in this newsletter or maybe ever. You don’t need to understand heart’s direction, but merely heed it. 'Heed heart'—a good mantra. You may hear upon asking heart, “Fight.” In this case, look for the post you’re supposed to stand and what opportunity has already landed in your lap giving you the path toward which to fight. You may hear, “Love.” Then, look for the path that is already at your door that allows you to do that.

If you’re listening, heart will speak you toward that which it has already brought you—what's sitting under your very nose.

If protest or chaos pour onto our streets, move in the “Wait,” or “Fight,” or “Love,”  of your heart as you are directed. Everyone’s heart is being guided and helped right now. We simply deepen our listening.

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