Campus Recreation held a Puppy Yappy Hour featuring a meet and greet with dogs and puppies. In this image, Joel McLawhorn, facilities and operations coordinator with Campus Recreation, holds one of the puppies. (Johnny Andrews/UNC-Chapel Hill)

Transition Support

For some, transitioning to campus can be pretty tough – and for others, they are generally doing ok but might want support in one area or another.

Wherever you are on that spectrum of wellness, Healthy Heels can help! There are strategies you can start on your own or professionals that can support you in coming up with the best plan for your needs. There are so many support systems on campus to keep you healthy, well, and academically successful, most of which cost only your time. You can even take a free online self-assessment to learn more about your specific mental health needs, or sign up for a 9 day email course on mental health that has strategies you can implement right away.

Start building up your resources now to have support structures at the ready if things become overwhelming.

Healthy Haps



WEDNESDAY 9/1 *how is it September already?





Contact Tracing, Quarantine, and Isolation

Given the rate of community spread due to the Delta variant, we are seeing COVID-19 cases on campus. We know students have questions about what to do in the case of a possible exposure or if identified as a close contact. There are many variables that can make it complicated, but here is a summary of our approach to managing this process:

Contact Tracing Process

  1. POSITIVE TEST: It all starts when someone tests positive for COVID-19.
  2. CONTACT TRACING INITIAL CONVERSATION: Contact tracers reach out to the person who tested positive to determine who in their circle was a potential close contact.
    • WHO COUNTS AS A CLOSE CONTACT? A close contact is someone who has been within 6 feet of an infected person for more than 15 minutes cumulative time, regardless of whether a face mask was worn by either party. If you are not contacted or if a positive case is not in your household, then you were not identified as a close contact. As an example, people who are at least six feet apart in a classroom or group setting will typically not be considered close contacts. 
  3. OUTREACH TO CLOSE CONTACTS: The contact tracing team will reach out to individuals who are potential close contacts. The positive person's name and information remains confidential.
Contact tracers will advise on next steps based on that individual's specific situation. 

Students identified as a close contact, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, should continue to wear a mask at all times indoors and when in groups outdoors.

How to handle COVID-19 Contact Tracing for Students:

Asymptomatic close contacts can be tested at CTTP based on the timing above. Symptomatic close contacts should be tested at Campus Health as soon as symptoms develop.

If you test positive for COVID-19 at any point, you will need to go into isolation.  

Student Health Equity Internships

Join Campus Health and CAPS this year to help develop and implement initiatives to improve access to medical and mental health resources, review policies and practices through a health equity lens, and advise on strategies to better support and serve BIPOC students. Learn more and apply today!

Campus Rec Corner

Get Involved in Recreation

The Campus Recreation Advisory Council (CRAC) is recruiting new members. The purpose of the council is to represent the interests and needs of students and the University community and assist the professional staff of Campus Recreation in assuring a responsive and effective delivery of recreational services. As a member of the council, you will help develop long range strategic plans in the areas of budget, fees, facility development, policies, and staffing. You will also provide input regarding operational decisions, policies and procedures, eligibility, and facility utilization and assist in the development of program goals and vision statements.

If you are interested in serving on the Campus Recreation Advisory Council, please complete the following form by Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Work for Campus Rec

Want to work an on-campus job with flexible scheduling, pay raises and professional development opportunities? UNC Campus Recreation is hiring! Apply to work as a facilities ambassador, intramural sports official, lifeguard, climbing instructor, or another one of our open positions. Find out more at

Get your bike on at UNC's biggest cycling event of the year. Join Cylicious in the pit this Friday from 11 am - 2 pm. The event offers free bike maintenance from local mechanics, free bike lights, a Tar Heel Bikes demo, free UNC bike registration, and prizes!

Instagram of the Week

By far our most popular post of the week, thanks to the 300+ of you who shared it with your own followers and the 12,000+ of you who have viewed the post so far! 
Take advantage of our Healthy Heels to Go vending machines on campus and the low-cost over-the-counter health items available in them. You can see current prices on the second image of the IG post carousel. Remember, a OneCard is needed to purchase items, making this yet another benefit of being affiliated with UNC-Chapel Hill!
You are receiving these emails because we think you'll benefit from health-related content during your time at UNC. Don't dig it? You can unsubscribe from this list.