August 27, 2021
From the NDA Office

NDA Community,

We are so excited to welcome back our students on Monday! We hope that all of our students return with wonderful summer memories and bright eyes looking forward to another amazing year at Notre Dame Academy. 

A few notes: Student Council members will be available at the doors on Monday to help students find their rooms and carry their supplies. Middle School students in grades 6-8 will receive their schedules on Monday in Advisory. We will have a Middle School assembly first hour to explain our routine and expectations for this new school year. And we look forward to seeing middle school parents on Tuesday night at 6:00pm via zoom with the same agenda.

Please read and be familiar with the NDA Safety Plan for August/September. We look forward to in-person learning this year just as we did all of last year. Please note that we have a few families who have evidence that their children cannot learn with a mask or that mask wearing is otherwise detrimental to their well being. Thus, per Archdiocese recommendation and our own conviction that parents are the first, best, and primary advocates for their children, they will have an exemption from wearing a mask. As always, we all respect the unique needs of all of our students.

Once again this year we have qualified for a federal program that allows all of our students to receive free lunch! That said, we do need families to fill out the forms if you qualify for free and reduced lunches as those numbers allow us and your family to qualify for other benefits throughout the school year. 

Enjoy these last few days of summer. And please pray for all of our staff, families and students as we begin an incredible new school year at NDA!

With gratitude,

Dr. Bonita Jungels


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17

8/30  K-8 First day Doors open at 8:45am, Bell rings at 9:00am
Afternoon release bell is at 3:55pm for all K-8 students (preschool will release at 3:45pm)

8/30  Preschool Meet and Greets
8/31 Middle School Parent Meeting 6:00pm Zoom
8/31  Preschool Meet and Greets
9/1  Preschool First Day
9/3  No School
9/6  No School Labor Day

Stay up to date by using our digital school calendar! You may view the calendar via our website or Sycamore. Within Sycamore there are two different views available (monthly view or list view). Both links can be found on the home Sycamore page, the list view includes event notes.

Carline Morning Logistics
We look forward to seeing our K-8 students next Monday, August 30! Our doors will have a staff person there to greet students from 8:45am-9:00am. Anyone arriving late will need to use the front office door and sign your student in.

Preschool families - Please park in the playground lot and walk your student to the corner cafeteria door. If you also have a K-8 sibling, please walk your K-8 students to the playground ramp door where Mr. Tesch will greet you.

K-8 families - Please form a line heading toward the main school office door. We will no longer use the church doors as a morning drop-off. All carline students will enter at our main doors where Dr. Jungels will be there to greet our students.

Construction - Please note that during the sidewalk construction project, we do not have a separate turning lane on Excelsior Blvd.

Carline Afternoon Logistics
We will use the front main entrance for students riding the bus. Carlines will form at the parish/church doors, the cafeteria door (preschool) and the back playground door. Please see below for your assigned line.

Preschool families - please park in the playground parking lot and walk to the cafeteria door to greet your student at 3:45pm. Please wait in your car for your K-8 siblings, they will come out with the rest of carline after the 3:55pm bell.

Families with the last names A-K - please line up in the playground parking lot. The line will form as you enter the driveway. Keep to the right. Only preschool families who need to park should slowly weave around to the left.

Families with the last names L-Z - please line up off of Mayview Road heading toward the church entrance.

Bus Stops & Times
For families who registered for the bus, you should have received your stop location and time in an email from Liz Flom. If you did not receive it, please email Please have your child at their bus stop at least five minutes early. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work through the first days of our new bus routes. At times, delays are due to drivers learning new routes, construction, and first day photos. If you have any bus stop questions or need to contact the bus company, email

Transportation Changes
Please be sure to email for any changes to your child's daily dismissal routine, and copy your child's teacher. Thank you!

K-8 Lions Lair 2021-2022 Registration
Registration for Lions Lair is now open. For more information about the program, please see the flyer. To register, please complete and submit the google form. You should then start receiving email updates. Direct any questions to Mr. Stephens at We are excited for another fun year in Lions Lair!

First Day Supplies
We will be ready to assist any students who may need help carrying their supplies in on the first day of school.

Student Council
We are looking for last year's student council members to volunteer on Monday morning to help our younger students carry in their school supplies. Volunteers are asked to arrive at 8:30am. Please check in with Mrs. Wilson and then go to the Health/Spanish classroom for your locker assignment. Mrs. Turner will be there to greet you. Please email Mrs. Turner if you are available to come early on August 30.

NDA Parent Handbook
Please read our parent handbook and sign the form stating that you have read the policies of NDA.

Technology Form
Families with students in grades 3-8 need to read our Technology Policy and sign our Technology Permission Form. Please return these forms to the office.

Transportation Form
All families in grades K-8 need to fill out our Transportation Form. Please return this form to the school office.

Medication Forms
Students needing to take medication of any kind (including EpiPens) while at school will need a completed medical authorization form on file. Please complete the medication form, and bring the medicine in the original bottle or the prescription bottle to school on Monday. All medication will be locked in the nurse's office.

Peanut Aware School
We do have students with peanut and tree allergies in our building and therefore we prefer that you do not send peanut products in your child's lunch or snack. Thank you!

Grades 4-8 Sports Forms
If your child is playing an NDA fall sport, please complete the official registration form and return it to the office or email it to

Lunch Menu
Our lunch menu can be found in the header of our website page. Just click on the carrot at the top to view the monthly menus.

Middle School Parent Meeting
All middle school parents are invited to join Dr. Jungels on Zoom next Tuesday night. She will share information covered with the students on their first day.
August 31 at 6:00pm
Join Zoom Meeting

Notre Dame Academy is hiring in our aftercare Lion's Lair program! 
We are looking for someone to work from 3:45-6:00pm several days/week. This could be a parent, grandparent, or even a college student! This position will help plan and supervise after school activities for students in grades K-8. It is a part-time position, and includes an employee discount on tuition for an employee's children or grandchildren. Please contact Bonnie Jungels at if you are interested.

Welcome & Thank You!
We would once again like to welcome all of our new families and the Good Shepherds that coordinated the many summer playdates. We are truly grateful for the caring families in our school community!

First Day Photos
We'd love to see your students smiling by their NDA yard signs on Monday! Feel free to tag NDA or use our hashtag, #ndafaithful, so that we can begin to reconnect with each other.

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