L&S Newsletter:
Welcome Forward to Fall 2021
Dear L&S Students,
As Fall semester gets underway and campus life starts to feel more familiar again, we are excited to share upcoming events and important reminders to help you stay on track academically this term. Whether you're deciding on a major, planning courses for possible careers or grad school, working through an academic rough patch or more, please use our Quick Navigation Menu to connect with L&S Advising for support this Fall.

In this issue, you will find:
 Reminders of Fall Policy Changes regarding
  • Late Change of Class Schedule
  • Grade Option Requirements
 L&S Advising Fall Events Calendar
 Permission process for Enrolling in over 20.5 units
Upcoming Fall Deadline Dates for making changes to course enrollments
Reminder: Late Change of Class Schedule
and Grade Option Policy 
On August 25, an L&S Policy Update was sent to students' inboxes announcing that policies for Late Schedule Changes and Grade Options have been updated for the Fall 2021 semester. Be sure to review the announcement again carefully, or check out the full policy updates on our Fall 2021 Policy Reminders webpage.
Upcoming Fall Events:

(See info to join Academic Success Events)

Our Academic Success Program helps students overcome academic difficulty by building skills and strategies for academic success while learning about academic options, deadlines, and resources.

RESET with L&S: Office Hours
Third Wednesday of the month, 12-1:30 pm 
RESET with L&S: Social Hour
Wednesday September 15, 12-1:30 pm 
Save Your Semester Workshop
Thursday October 28, 3-4 pm 

(See info to join Pre-Prof & Grad Events)

Our Pre-Professional & Graduate Program supports students pursuing Medical or health professions programs, Law School, and Masters or PhD programs.

Small Group Advising 
Every Wednesday, 4-5 pm 
Law School Admissions Panel 
Tuesday, September 14, 12-1:30 pm 
Pre-Masters/PhD Planning 
Thursday, September 16, 3:30-5 pm 
Premed/Health Careers Planning 
Monday October 4th, 2:30-3:30 pm 

Permission to Exceed 20.5 Units

TIME-SAVING ALERT: Prior to the September 15th deadline to add courses, students seeking approval to exceed the 20.5 unit maximum may use the following process for quicker processing time: 

⇨ Undeclared students who have a 3.3 GPA or higher may request to exceed the 20.5 unit max through an online form on our Forms and Petitions page. 
⇨ Undeclared students who have a GPA below a 3.3 will need to meet with an L&S Adviser to request to exceed the unit max. 
⇨ Declared students will still need to contact their Undergraduate Major Adviser to request permission to enroll in more than 20.5 units. 
Upcoming Fall 2021 Deadlines
Deadlines are set at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
Friday, Sept 3
Deadline to drop Early Drop Deadline (EDD) courses.
Wed, Sept 15
Deadline to Add/Drop/Swap/Change Units for non-EDD courses.
Friday, Oct 15
Deadline to Request an EGT of Fall 2021.
Friday, Oct 29
Deadline to change Grading Options on courses.
(Click) Add complete set of Fall deadlines to your bCal
Follow L&S Advising on Instagram and Facebook by clicking the icons below, and be part of the conversation this Fall! 
Office of Undergraduate Advising
College of Letters & Science
206 Evans and 156 Dwinelle
UC Berkeley

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College of Letters and Science, Office of Undergraduate Advising · 206 Evans Hall · Berkeley, CA 94720-3801 · USA