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Create powerful solutions that embody change
Turn learning into action: IWRM for climate resilience 
Do you want to shape non-sewered sanitation standards policies?  Join the online course and learn more!
Voulez-vous façonner les politiques relatives aux normes d'assainissement sans égout? Rejoignez le cours en ligne et apprenez-en davantage!
LA-WETnet: Join the online course integrated basins management
The course Integrated Basins Management is organised within the framework of AECID’s Plan for the Transfer, Exchange and Management of Knowledge for the Development of Spanish Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean -INTERCOONECTA. It will be held from 13 September to 5 November on the Spanish Agency of Cooperation for Development (AECID) Intercoonecta online platform. Professionals can register until 23 August.
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Climate-resilient water management for the future: flood & drought
On 29 July, the Malaysian Capacity Development Network for Sustainable Water Management (MyCDNet) held the webinar “Climate-resilient water management for the future: flood & drought” . The online event was hosted by the Asian Sewerage Training, Research & Innovation Centre of Excellence (ASTRICE) and supported by Cap-Net UNDP.
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In Spanish | Connect, learn, evolve and grow. Learn on tools that support the prevention of floods in urban areas
In Chinese | 你想制定有关非污水处理卫生标准的政策吗?加入在线课程,了解更多!
ANSI Chinese
Join World Water Week 2021
Source to Sea: Capacity needs assessment
Connecting freshwater, land, coasts and the ocean through engagement of all stakeholders requires us to understand the current levels of awareness of the need for and benefits of source-to-sea management and the capacity to implement it so that appropriate awareness raising and training materials can be developed and capacity development events undertaken. Your feedback will help us in developing training and capacity development materials.
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In Spanish: Solicita el curso en línea "Integridad en el sector de Agua y Saneamiento en América Latina"

A nivel mundial hay una necesidad de implementar mejores sistemas de gobernanza en el sector de agua y saneamiento, por medio de la promoción de enfoques holísticos de gestión de la integridad que permitan generar procesos de cambio en actores claves del sector (prestadores de servicio, entes reguladores y formuladores de políticas públicas), identificar áreas de riesgo críticas e implementar herramientas de manera participativa.

Producido por: Cap-Net UNDP
Región: N/A
Idioma: Spanish
Año: 2021

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