
Introducing quizzes, categories, and knowledge bases.

Today we’re excited to announce our largest, most significant release to date.

This has all been possible thanks to customers like you. A special thank you to those who provided feedback during the design and early-access stages.

Read on to see what we’ve added to help further scale customer education and provide better experiences for both you and your customers.

Content Mastery & Quizzes

Create, embed, analyze, and place quizzes at the end of categories for simple knowledge verification, academy-style learnings, onboarding, certifications, and more. Export quiz results to your CRM or platform of choice.

See the tutorial

Organize Tutorials Using Categories

Use the new Categories tab in the Dashboard to group related tutorials together. Add categories to your fyiio knowledge base, embed them into your existing tools, as well as share them directly.

Individual tutorials can belong to multiple categories, and quizzes can be assigned to them to verify content retention.

See the tutorial

Knowledge Base (Beta)

Easily craft a beautiful, always up-to-date, single source of truth that is easy to navigate and search through. Place on your domain and even in-app for contextual help when and where it's needed most.

Save time with our visual knowledge base editor — Preview changes in real-time without needing to go back and forth between editing and previewing.

This functionality is currently in beta, meaning we're hard at work debugging and pushing styling improvements. We’d love for you to play around and provide us with your honest feedback!

See the tutorial

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