
TypeScript Weekly

Issue #176 — August 19, 2021

Announcing TypeScript 4.4 RC

The release candidate of TypeScript 4.4 is out and brings control flow analysis of aliased conditions, a new flag for exact optional property types, symbol and template string pattern index signatures, and more.

Daniel Rosenwasser

Getting Started with TypeScript

TypeScript has taken the frontend development community by storm over the past few years. The Ladybug podcast gives a beginner-level rundown on the language.

Ladybug Podcast

The First TypeScript Demo

A tale of the humble beginnings of TypeScript, including old demos from the earliest days of development in the winter of 2010.

Luke Hoban

Improve API Integrations Using Code Generation

Find out how you can use structured service definitions and the TypeScript compiler API to build your own code generation tooling.

Nate Anderson

TSConf 2021 Schedule

Each year, the TSConf team endeavors to gather the most interesting presenters who will share their best TypeScript experiences and passionately engage with the growing TypeScript community.
