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100 E. Church Street | P.O. Box 357 | Sheridan, AR 72150

August 19, 2021


The Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) met Sunday afternoon to discuss several items and look for solutions to the commission we have been given from both the congregation and God. I wanted to give you an update and also give you an ear to share your thoughts and ideas.


One of the biggest items of discussion was mentioned by Todd-Paul, and that was the consideration of holding off on back to school church activities, including the Wednesday evening meals and classes. After some discussion we feel comfortable that if we are open for Sunday morning classes, we should be able to offer Wednesday classes, as well. We do not see a way to safely fellowship with our traditional Wednesday night meals at this time, but maybe have snacks for the kids in class. We also are looking at being able to have the annual ice cream social in an outdoor setting in the near future. I believe the plan at this time is to begin with these on September 15.


The visual side of the audio/visual upgrade in the sanctuary is getting closer to coming to fruition. David Puckett shared several bids for the project. After some discussion, we were all in agreement on which direction to pursue. Mr. Puckett will be asking these three companies to submit competitive bids for the same products and applications to be submitted by mid-September. The trustees are also looking into solutions for an issue with water coming into both the old basement area and the youth room. They have received a couple of bids to have it addressed and hope to take action soon. 


The position for the director of youth and children’s ministries is still open and has been posted since March. Dee Ann Daniel has offered to stay on as interim as the search remains open. Utilizing a consultant firm was discussed; however, the committee felt we could give regional outreach a little more time before we went that direction. In addition to Dee Ann leading our youth program, Nicole Cacciatori and Audra Hines have agreed to oversee the children’s ministry. All of this being said, it is very important that each of us supports not just these two ministries, but all of them with our time and our talents. No program is sustainable by one or two people alone. There are classes that will need to be taught along with safe sanctuary protocols. As disciples of Christ, that is part of our calling, to teach others about the love and grace that is offered to us all if we are willing to accept.


Seth Glaze and I attended a Zoom meeting with member churches of the southeast district and our new district superintendent, Rev. Edna Morgan. She charged all of us with addressing 6 points over the course of this year.

  1. To make disciples. This means inviting others to join us in our worship.
  2. To answer our calling; the call that the Holy Spirit is making to you.
  3. Meeting the needs of people during this continuing pandemic.
  4. Equipping clergy and laity for navigating through the pandemic.
  5. The 200,000 Reasons Initiative and the 200,000 More Reasons Initiative. The first dealing with hunger in our state (which we do a very good job) and the second addressing the level of literacy in our state.
  6. Addressing diversity and inclusion in and among our congregation.
My final thoughts for you are this. The church, Sheridan First United Methodist Church, needs all of us. If you haven’t been through the doors in a while please know that you are missed. The sanctuary is a clean and safe place. Social distancing is encouraged and at this time masks are required. If you have health concerns please take necessary safety measures (even if that means you can only worship through Facebook Live at this time). The doors are open and virtual hugs are being distributed!

In Christian love,

Gregg Scott, SPRC Chair


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