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Newsletter of the Ministry Resource & Community Hub
Edition 14
Animated, we live by Your Spirit.
With open minds and hearts,
Let us keep in step with Your Spirit.
With, in and through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Pray our full Alive in the Spirit prayer here.
  • The Oceania Webinar this Tuesday 24 August showcases innovative ways our local faith communities are being Alive in the Spirit in dialogue with Leisa Anslinger.
  • Online Events for September offer engagement, support and fresh ideas.
  • Our Alive in the Spirit website has had a facelift. Check out the new look at, including our new promotional video,  and an updated pastoral toolkit on our Resources pageThis media release can be shared to introduce interested people to the site which has moved away from language around the conference to promote our resources as our Online Ministry & Community Hub. All resources still available till 31 December 2021.
Free Registration - Oceania Pastoral Ministry Webinar
Explore Innovative Approaches in our Parishes

We are excited to share some of the innovative ways parish communities in Australia are being alive in the Spirit. Join with Leisa Anslinger, Associate Director for Pastoral Vitality for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and the founder of Catholic Life and Faith, a centre for evangelisation, stewardship, and servant leadership development. Representatives from several  Australian parish communities have shared their success stories during the pandemic. Want to know the innovative ways they are keeping in step with the Spirit?

Register for this webinar to gain access to three short videos, each one from an Australian parish community. Be inspired as they share three unique responses to how their parishes have adapted to be the community Christ calls us to be.

During our time:
  • Connect with a small group in a networking space.
  • Share questions and insights and join with Richard McMahon & Lisa Bright (from our Alive in the Spirit Team) as they interview Leisa Anslinger and Berna Wake, member of the Senior Leadership Team, St Mary of the Cross Parish, Mordialloc and Aspendale, Melbourne Archdiocese.
  • Experience another small group session to consider what you have heard.
  • Consider some learnings and practical ways forward.
We encourage you to register now even if you can't make the session. It will be recorded and you will receive access to view at a later time. Also, encourage others to attend as we gather as community online in prayer, fellowship and shared wisdom.
Register for Oceania Webinar

Upcoming Events!

There are many terrific opportunities to get inspired over the coming month. Each of these sessions is interactive. For the Delve Deeper Sessions, we recommend you view the relevant workshop in advance, and then bring your responses, questions and wisdom to the conversation. There are two types of links in the following list:
  • For "Click here to book your spot" you will be taken to a free registration screen to save your place for an upcoming zoom session. Please make a note in your own calendar and take care to adjust for your own time zone.
  • For "Click here to join", you just click the link when it is time to join - so again, please save the link in your calendar.
Here is the list!
  • Tuesday 24th August, 10am (AEST): Oceania Pastoral Ministry Webinar (advertised above): Click here to book your spot.
  • Wednesday 1st September, 7.30pm (AEST): Delve Deeper: Seven Qualities of Effective Parish Pastoral Councils with Richard McMahon. Click here to book your spot.
  • Thursday 2nd September, 11am (AEST): Delve Deeper: Creating Community in a Virtual World with Lisa Bright. Click here to book your spot.
  • Thursday 9th September, 2pm (AEST): Delve Deeper: Bringing your Parish to life through Laudato Si’ with Catholic Earthcare. Click here to book your spot.
  • Wednesday 15th September, 7.30pm (AEST): Let's Have a Yarn. An open meeting where we share our successes, challenges and ideas with others in the Alive in the Spirit Community, and make new connections. We will be inviting some of our workshoppers to join the discussion on Family Ministry, RCIA & Sacramental Preparation, and Creating Online Community. Click here to book your spot.  
Keen to chat with a workshopper or explore how your community can make best use of the resources available?  Please send an email to with your request.
Fruits from our August Session

We had a terrific Let's Have a Yarn Session recently, with some 25 people in attendance from a diverse range of faith communities. 

In this session, participants had the opportunity to join in one of three workshop focus areas, facilitated by one or more workshop presenters, to share their questions and wisdom around the following topics:
  • RCIA
  • Pastoral Care
  • Planning for Mission
Following the success of this format, we will be offering a similar session next month with topics:
  • RCIA & Sacramental Preparation
  • Family Ministry
  • Creating Community in Virtual Space
Join us for our next session by registering here.
If you are having a hiccup connecting with the website or can't find what you are looking for, please contact us. The icon above is available on our website, or if you can't login, please contact us:
+61 437 497 526
How are we doing? Please complete our Feedback Survey
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I able to download workshops to use with small groups?

We appreciate that in some settings, internet connections are not what we would hope. However, we also need to protect the intellectual property of those who have gifted us with their wisdom. For this reason, we are not making the videos downloadable as we would then lose control of the asset. Please reach out to the individual workshopper if you have a special request.

What happens to the site after December? 
Many people want to offer a parish renewal in 2022, hopeful that their community will have emerged from the worst of the pandemic. We are currently exploring possibilities. Part of the challenge is the ongoing costs to maintain the website and the other consideration is honouring our commitment to our workshoppers to make the videos available to them after the end of the year. If you have any suggestions, please contact us.

Visit our FAQ page - hopefully someone else has asked your question!

"Alive in the Spirit is extremely helpful. It is so life-giving and truly brings alive the Beatitudes. The keynote speakers have their finger on the pulse and the workshops offer such a variety of topics that are so relevant."

- Rose Gainford

Build Our Community - Share the Word - Upgrade to a Group

People are still only now just finding out about Alive in the Spirit. Your friends may well be among them. Many of us are in lockdown and so this is a wonderful opportunity to experience a virtual retreat with people in your circle of friends or wider faith community.

If you have a faith sharing group who currently cannot meet, you may consider taking out the group registration. For the price of $200, you receive 11 registrations. Individual registrations are $40.

Log in to Virtual Site
Register Now

When we are baptised in the Spirit - that is, when we have received the Spirit of Jesus as the breath of God breathing within us - that Spirit creates in us a sacred space where the other can be received and listened to. The Spirit of Jesus prays in us and listens in us to all who come to us with their sufferings and pains.

Henri Nouwen

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+61 437 497 526

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