Poinsettia Order Form

Traditionally our church has been decorated during the Advent Season with flowers and wreaths in memory or honor of loved ones.

The deadline for ordering poinsettias ($30 each) will be December 13, 2023.

Order forms are available in the Narthex, Welcome Center, bulletin, or News and Notes electronically. The poinsettias will be in the sanctuary for all Christmas Eve worship services. They may be picked up after Christmas Day from the church portico or donated for the church’s outreach. Please indicate your preference below.
Sanctuary Wreaths | There will be (10) ten wreaths for the sanctuary windows ($100 each) and (3) three altar wreaths ($120 each) available in honor or in memory of a loved one that will remain in the sanctuary throughout the season and not available for take-home. These orders will be received at the Church Office only. The deadline for ordering wreaths is first come, first serve by or before December 12.
Contact (850) 222-1120, x.102.
Phone call orders will only be taken for wreaths, not poinsettias.
Please fill in the information below and include your payment to Trinity (memo: poinsettia). Please use an offering envelope for the form and payment if you want to place it in the offering plate. If you prefer, you may mail them to: Trinity UMC, PO Box 1086, Tallahassee, FL 32302. Order forms must be received in the church office by December 13, 2023.
* indicates required