Good to be back. Mexican and U.S. officials met this week to restart the High-Level Economic Dialogue (HLED) after a five-year hiatus. The meetings are a reminder that despite its demanding foreign policy agenda, Washington needs Mexico to have a strong economy to ensure border security, as Dr. Luis Rubio told AS/COA’s Carin Zissis in Latin America in Focus.
Hear the head of México Evalúa dig into bilateral relations and more as Andrés Manuel López Obrador hits the midway point of his presidency.
For more: Americas Society Board Member and former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Antonio O. Garza dives into what happened at the HLED talks in his latest newsletter. And Mexican diplomat Julián Ventura spells out the HLED’s importance in a Twitter thread.
Lost in the mail. Once hailed as a cheap and accessible vaccine option for Latin America, Russia’s vaccine has run into delivery problems in Argentina, Guatemala, and elsewhere. Read about Sputnik V’s stumbles in the region.