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HLED in Washington, DC. (AP)

Good to be back. Mexican and U.S. officials met this week to restart the High-Level Economic Dialogue (HLED) after a five-year hiatus. The meetings are a reminder that despite its demanding foreign policy agenda, Washington needs Mexico to have a strong economy to ensure border security, as Dr. Luis Rubio told AS/COA’s Carin Zissis in Latin America in Focus. 

Hear the head of México Evalúa dig into bilateral relations and more as Andrés Manuel López Obrador hits the midway point of his presidency.

For more: Americas Society Board Member and former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Antonio O. Garza dives into what happened at the HLED talks in his latest newsletter. And Mexican diplomat Julián Ventura spells out the HLED’s importance in a Twitter thread

Lost in the mail. Once hailed as a cheap and accessible vaccine option for Latin America, Russia’s vaccine has run into delivery problems in Argentina, Guatemala, and elsewhere. Read about Sputnik V’s stumbles in the region

Getting shots in arms means leaping over logistical hurdles in Latin America. Listen to a podcast episode on how to vaccinate a hemisphere, with a special focus on Brazil. 


— Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States, in an event with AS/COA that coincided with the charter’s twentieth anniversary

Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro imposed first-of-its-kind social media rules allowing the government to challenge a social media company's removal of content, reports Jack Nicas for The New York Times. The move could block platforms from taking down misinformation—including Bolsonaro’s claims of vote-rigging—ahead of the country’s 2022 presidential elections.
  • Just across the border from Texas, Mexico made history this week when the Supreme Court deemed not one, but two anti-choice laws unconstitutional, paving the way for abortion decriminalization in the world’s second-largest Catholic country. (Guardian, El Financiero)
  • Uruguay started the process of negotiating a trade deal with China, spelling a challenge for Mercosur. (El Economista)
  • Colombia’s president proposed debt forgiveness measures for Latin American countries that achieve climate goals. (Portafolio)
  • The number of Haitian migrants is soaring in Mexico, but only 20 percent can gain asylum. (La Lista)
COVAX, the WHO-backed global vaccine equity program, lowered expectations for 2021 dose deliveries by 25 percent amid issues with supplies and donations. Deliveries to Latin America have slowed too, but Venezuela finally received its first vaccine shipment through the program: 693,600 doses which arrived September 7. (Axios, Bloomberg)
  • Chile approves the use of Sinovac in children six and older. (AP)
  • Brazil's president inks a law that could break COVID-19 vaccine patents. (Reuters) 
  • Peru reaches an agreement with Russia to build a domestic Sputnik V plant. (El Peruano)
Per PAHO, only 28 percent of people in Latin America and the Caribbean have been fully vaccinated so far. But rates vary significantly by country. Check out our timeline, which tracks each country’s vaccination progress.
ICYMI from Americas Quarterly: Bolsonaro’s day of protest delivered a stalemate. Here’s how Latin America can navigate the U.S.-China trade wars. Why Argentina’s politics are surprisingly stable. Venezuela’s negotiations won’t get rid of Maduro, so what’s next?

Covid sssssavior? This Brazilian viper’s venom inhibited coronavirus reproduction and could soon be used to battle the virus.

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