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On 9/11, 2021 some have forgotten

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Remembering 9/11, it was a bright sunny morning!  Yet horrors were revealed as the morning sun rose.  Like another infamous day in history, (December 7th, 1941) America was caught unaware.  Despite the evil that we saw on the television and some experienced first hand, we must acknowledge and remember the thousands of heroes who became frontline defenders of America that day.
2,996 Americans lost their lives on 9/11. In response to this terrible evil attack, Americans responded to the danger by running into burning buildings to save others.  That day showed what heroes Americans can be and brought back patriotism. Every year we say "never forget"!  

After September 11th, America experienced a period of unity, patriotism, and healing. We all saw the enthusiasm of Americans as displayed flags rippled across the country, with the promise that we would get through this evil together. Political parties disappeared that day. As Americans stood together then, we have a  lesson and memory that we need now.

In 2020, we saw the antifa attacks and riots in major cities, the breakdown of American patriotism found in major sports, and the divisive Presidential Election (which many think was stolen).  Now in 2021, we see the Biden administration's empowerment of a new pandora's box of terrorism with the hugest debacle of military buffoonery in all recorded history and we have to ask if many Americans have forgotten 9/11?  We owe it to the memory of those fallen on 9/11 and those who fought terrorism in Afghanistan and other countries, to rebuild an America worthy of their sacrifice. We are capable of it, and we will not let them down. Thank you to our heroic first responders, to the heroes, and their families. 
Never forget. 

We should all be very engaged in understanding and helping our fellow Christians gain a renewed understanding of what freedoms we have here in Oregon. Our latest efforts in Oregon have been targeted at helping Christians stand in the gap as school board members.  Many people stood up to run and we helped some win by encouraging people to vote.  Are you considering running for office in 2022?  Please email if you are considering!  Will you help us as we seek to stem the gap in getting out the conservative/Judeo-Christian vote in future elections, you can help us with your Tax Credit donation!  Give today (and remember your Political Action Tax Credit - a $ for $ reduction that comes back to you up to $50 per individual)!
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