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Dear IGAC Early Career Researchers,

It is less than one day before the IGAC2021 virtual early career program will begin!  All of the planned activities are free and most are open to all participants, please join in for networking, career advice, and a fun scientific communication challenge!

The schedule is now up on the IGAC2021 website (times in UTC) and links to register for the open sessions and join in icebreaker events have been added. The program will be run in three time zone areas, the Americas, Australasia, and Africa/Europe. However, you do not have to join the program where you live, please pick the times that suit you best. 

There will be an icebreaker event to meet your fellow IGAC early career colleagues, panels on alternative careers with scientists using their degrees in exciting ways outside of traditional academic careers (bios of panelists here, here, and here), a discussion on facing uncertainty, an upgoer5 communication challenge, and other events. 

For the upgoer5 session, please look at examples here before attending, if you can! 

Would love to see you there! 

Best Regards,

The Early Career Research Program Committee & The IGAC Project

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University of Colorado, CIRES, Boulder, CO, USA